Oral presentation 2: Spaces & Exchanges
Why a wall won't stop immigration
Illegal immigrants: one story
Axe I: Two different spaces, or one space, cut in half? The relation between the two sides of the border
Axe 2: Common exchanges in the area, across a border
Building a wall
Nelson Omar Chillel Lopes
Expensive to build and to maintain
Would increase the number of immigrants in the country
Circular flow
Immigrants travel by plane
Geographically impossible
Would cut through villages
Reuniting with his mom in the US
Coyotes left him behind
Died of dehydration
in the Sonoran Desert
This document is a video, produced by the internet comedy site CollegeHumor.com and published on YouTube, with the aim of deconstructing a widespread opinion on the border wall between Mexico and the US with the help of humor.
This document is a short news video, called “Illegal Immigrants Face Dangerous Mexican/US Border — One Story”. It was produced by the Qatari news outlet Al Jazeera and published in the United States on April the 8th, 2014 in its YouTube channel.
Make us rethink our position on Latin American immigration in the US
Make us consider the polemic on illegal immigration through the immigrants’ perspective
One space, cut in half
Culturally and historically
Two spaces
Human development #
Wealth: document 2 explains the low wages and poor working conditions on one side of the border
One space, cut in half
Shared hispanic culture: document 1 shows a Mexican family in the US
One greater Mexico
Common biome and terrain
Shared Rio Grande
Mountains: document 1: a wall would cross through the geographical features
Desert: document 2, the immigrants crossing through the region + scenario on document 1
Villages common to both countries: document 1
The flux of people
Traffickers across the border
The flow of products
Circular flow: document 1, which explains how people move between the spaces
Coyotes: document 2
Coffee: document 2, the poverty that comes from coffee consumption
Manufactured wares
Drugs and other illegal products
People in search of better wages: document 2, and the story of Fermina
Definition of the notion
Insight into what we saw in class
To which extent can the notion
of spaces and exchanges be applied to the Mexico-US border?
To which extent do these two documents illustrate the notion of spaces and exchanges?
Annonce des documents
Summary of the documents
Answer to the problematic
2 clear spaces
Many kinds
of exchanges
This notion deals with the idea of giving one thing and receiving another in return
People: migration
Places where these exchanges take place
Immaterial / virtual spaces
Stock exchange
The internet
Personal opinion
Illustrates the notion of exchanges well
Border situation
Context of the inequalities that harsh border enforcement isn't solving
Arise from suffering
Latin American immigration in the US
The bad luck to be born in the wrong end of the production chain
Should not be understood as an isolated issue