The Delhi Sultanate - The Mamluk Dynasty


Qutbuddin Aibak

Ghiyasuddin Balban

Shamsuddin Iltutmish

Raziya Sultan

The years spanning from 1206 CE to 1526 CE in medieval Indian history is known as the Delhi Sultanate. After Ghori's death, the Indian Empire was divided by his general

One such successful general was Qutbuddin Aibak, who was a turkish slave

He became the first sultan of Delhi in 1206 CE and founded the Slave Dynasty also known as the Mamluk Dynasty

The sultans of this dynasty were thus called Mamluk sultans

There were five dynasties which ruled India from 1206 - 1526 CE, the first being the Slave Dynasty

Born in Central Asia

As a child, Aibak was sold as a slave to the chief qazi of Nishapur

Under him, Aubak received good education. He was fluent in Persian, Arabic and received training in archery and horsemanship

After his master's death., Aibak was purchased by Muhammad Ghori

Under Ghori, Aibak sacked Delhi in 1193 CE. He was responsible for executing and consolidating Ghori's conquests in northern India

He was given independent charge of the territorial gains from the Indian campaigns

After a brief power struggle, following SUltan Ghori's death, Aibak succeeded in establishing himself as the sultan of India

He initiated the construction of Delhi's earliest Islamic monuments - Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque and Qutb Minar

Qutbuddin AIbak died in an accident in 1210 CE while playing chaugan, a kind of polo on horseback

Aibak was succeeded by, Iltutmish, an ex-slave of Turkish ancestry

Iltutmish was the son-in-law of Qutbuddin Aibak

Iltutmish as a ruler

Iltutmish as a Leader

He belonged to the Ilbari tribe of the Turks

Aibak purchased hima at a high price

Iltutmish's accomplishments attracted the attention of Qutbuddin Aibak, then the viceroy of Delhi

Iltutmish slowly rose in status based on his merits and became the governor of Baudan

He also married Aibal's daughter

After Aibak's death, the chahalgani or the forty Turkish nobles wanted Aram Shah to be the new sultan.

However, he proved be incapable and was replaced my Iltutmish within a year

He was given the title Iltmash or Altamash on his accession to the throne, which later changed to Iltutmish

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Iltutmish had to deal with several problems before he could consolidate his position as sultan. However, he did not get perturbed and faced the problems resolutely. He solved them by taking the following steps

Nasiruddin Qubacha, the governor of Multan, who had advanced into Lahore with the intention of extending authority over Punjab, was completely expelled from the city by Iltutmish. He was completely subdued by 1228 CE

The Khalji governor of Bengal, Ali Mardan, threw of his allegiance at the time of Iltutmish's succession. He was made to submit completely

Iltutmish effectively suppressed a rebellion of the amirs near Delhi. He then bought different parts of Delhi under his control

The Mongols appeared for the first time on the banks of the river Indus in 1221 CE. Iltutmish's greatest act of diplomacy lay in tackling the Mongol menace. When Jalaluddin Mingburnu (the last shah of the Khwarezmid Empire of Central Asia) sought asylum under Iltutmish, the sultan of Delhi refused. He thus saved India from the threat of the Mongol invasion

Iltutmish succeed in building a strong administrative system

He ruled form 1210 CE to 1236 CE

He minted gold and silver coins

He added three stories to the Qutb Minar

He built himself a tomb with red sandstone

He built waterworks, mosques and other amenities to make Delhi a fitting seat for the government

Iltutmish encouraged the writhing of many Islamic classics

She was the first and only woman sultan

Iltutmish's sons were incompetent, but Raziya was well-educated and adept in war tactics

She ruled from 1236 CE - 1238 CE

She was trained to lead an army to administer a kingdom in times in necessity

Therefore, Iltutmish nominated Raziya as his successor

His wish was considered offensive by the chahalgani

After Iltutmish's death in 1236 CE, the chahalgani disregarded the dead sultan's wish and appointed Ruknuddin Firuz Shah

Ruknuddin's reign was short. He was an incapable ruler and was assassinated in 1236 CE

The nobility finally agreed to allow Raziya's reign as sultan

However, the appointment of Jamaluddin Yakut, an advisor of African decent to the high office sparked jealousy amongst the nobles

Eventually, she was overthrown by her brother, Muizuddin Bahram Shah

Raziya reportedly sought to abolish tax on non-Muslims, but this was met with opposition from the chahalgani

She established school, academies, centres for research and public libraries. The libraries included the works of ancient philosophers along with Koran and commentaries on the traditions of Islam

During the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud; Iltutmish's youngest son, Ghiyasuddin Balban ruled the State as his regent.

Nairuddin was a wek ruler and spent most of his time in prayer.

After Nasiruddin's death, Balban declared himself as the sultan of Delhi

Balban ruled Delhi with an iron fist. He broke up the chahalgani, the most important group of forty nobles in the court

He tried to establish peace and order in the country

The revolts of the Jats and Rajputs were brutally crushed by Balan

In order to protect India from the Mongol invasions, he built new forts and also repaired the old ones between the area of river Indus and Delhi.

Balban believed in divine kingship. He considered himself as the deputy of God on Eart.

His court was organised along the pattern of the Persian royal court

He introduced the Persian customs sijdah, or prostration before the king and paibos, kissing the feet of the king in the court

Balban restored internal peace and took steps to improve the defence of the north-western frontier to thwart Mongol Invasion

He was a patron of learning and promoted architecture and Islamic culture

Balban's succesors were incompotenet and by 1290 CE, Jalaluddin Firuz Khalji captured the throne. This bought an end to the slave dynasty

He ruled from 1266 CE - 1287 CE