Functions of Application Development in Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)
Sections of ICT Services
Application of Section 1
Planning, reviewing and coordinating the needs of ICT products and services in the agency
New projects
Upgrading existing projects
Standardize the work processes
Plan and coordinate projects under the management needs of the Agency, namely
Forming a team
Implementing strategies for ICT products quality assurance agency. Through Final Acceptance Test (FAT) and user acceptance testing (UAT)
Designing and implementing promotional strategies for ICT products and services of the agency
Implement the strategy and management of the actual implementation of the agency. Joint perform installation and testing, Handing over / hand-holding, administration, operation and implementation of the application, Penyelengga the Engineering and application changes, Provide technical assistance and aid applications (technical and application support)
Outcome assessment strategy for implementing agencies include
Evaluate competence of the project team
Reporting and monitoring
Leading the strategic planning outcome evaluation to the Agency Planning strategy includes assessment of outcome analysis, impact analysis, post-implementation review (review implementation), competency assessment and management of the project team
Lead, plan and coordinate the development needs of the application
Lead, and implementation of development planning strategy covering System Applications
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Requirement Engineering System (SRS)
Leading design and planning strategy development ICT products include
The design approach (design approach)
The design of the product architecture
The choice of technologies / platforms and programming languages
List of favouri detailed design (detailed design)
The design of the database (database design)
Leading construction and design strategies Applications include
Program code centralized management and integrated (version control)
Programming (coding)
Unit Testing
Lead, planning, coordinating and implementing the quality assurance process (Quality Assurance) and security software products to enhance the quality of the resulting software applications for government agencies including
Test system
Integration testing
User acceptance testing (UAT)
Leading the implementation strategy and plan maintenance (maintenance) and managing application changes.