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READING: Identifies personally relevant information and ideas from texts on highly familiar topics, Uses a limited range of strategies to locate specific information and construct meaning from explicit and
highly familiar texts P.50
Sample activities
Personal and community – Locates and confirms name, address, phone number and date of birth on a
– Reads a brief personal message, e.g. a birthday greeting, an SMS text, email or
– Locates information on a monthly calendar, e.g. appointments, important dates
– Identifies the operating hours of local organisations, e.g. the library or health
– Recognises familiar words, phrases, symbols, abbreviations, numerical and
number codes in procedural texts, e.g. recipes or ATM instructions
– Recognises and knows the value of Australian notes and coins, e.g. uses self
environment, e.g. street names, names of service providers or Indigenous place
– Reads simple diagrams, e.g. a hand-drawn map of the local area to locate public
facilities such as schools, hospitals or bus stops
– Locates and follows relevant pictorial information, e.g. how to change a battery
– Locates key information in a public notice of immediate interest, e.g. changes to
Workplace and employment – Recognises own name and personal details, e.g. locates own name on a team
– Locates and matches pieces of information, e.g. the time and place of a team
– Follows simple written or pictorial instructions, e.g. simple signs and warnings,
emergency stop procedures for machines, warnings such as ‘prohibited area’
– Recognises time, dates and months, e.g. a work roster, shifts, rostered day off or
– Follows simple, familiar work timetable or schedule of activities specific to own
– Locates specific information from a short text, e.g. a memo about overtime
Education and training – Recognises own name and personal details, e.g. personal information on a class
– Reads a short, simple biography about a peer
– Locates some specific information in a simple diagram, e.g. follows a campus
– Reads and fills in a simple form, e.g. an excursion form
– Identifies operating hours of facilities, e.g. the library or computer room
– Follows simple pictorial instructions, e.g. how to turn on a computer
– Reads a personal word reference list, which may include photos or diagrams to
Oral communication = Gives or elicits basic information in a short, simple spoken context
1.08 Listens for basic information in short, simple oral texts. P99
Personal and community – Exchanges personal details in a casual conversation with a known or familiar
name, address, age, country of origin, date of birth and date of arrival
– Asks questions and responds to brief, factual information to fulfil personal
needs, e.g. establishes the price of a cup of coffee to make a purchase
negotiations, e.g. uses public transport by locating a destination on a public
transport map, asking for a ticket and tendering the fare
– Listens to short text of immediate interest and identifies key information, e.g.
– Introduces self and exchanges greetings appropriately in an institutional setting,
– Listens to suggestions and participates in a negotiated group activity, e.g. comes
– Expresses a personal opinion or preference in a discussion with co-workers, e.g.
environment in order to complete a highly familiar procedure, e.g. stop machine
– Describes a routine task, using workplace specific vocabulary as appropriate,
supported by body language, e.g. explains how to turn on a familiar piece of
machinery or operate a piece of technology, such as the drink machine, to a
– Listens to and responds to short, clearly worded requests, e.g. attends a meeting
area, takes an early lunch break or indicates availability for weekend work
Education and training – Makes and responds to simple enquiries relevant to personal needs, e.g. asks
– Exchanges highly familiar information, e.g. introduces self to class and listens to
the introductions of others, responding appropriately
– Exchanges information in order to complete a group task, e.g. indicates a need
for, or availability of, a particular technology or support
– Listens to suggestions and participates in a negotiated group activity, e.g. comes
– Asks questions and follows specific information or an instruction, e.g. how to
key in ID information to access a computer program, or use equipment in a
– Gives short, straightforward instructions consisting of one or two steps, e.g.
provides directions to the canteen, nearest emergency exit or office/reception/
– Listens to and follows brief, simple instructions to complete learning activities,
e.g. turn to the person next to you and say ‘good morning, how are you today?’
LEARNING Demonstrates some awareness of self as a learner
1.02 Takes first steps towards developing explicit learning strategies
Task complexity
Concrete tasks of 1 or 2 steps
Processes include locating, recognising
Workplace and employment – Attends work as required and informs the supervisor if they are unable to attend
– Attends work ready with appropriate clothing, tools and other resources as
– Begins to locate information by using an index, contents page or menu
– Expresses a desire to improve skills, e.g. numeracy or reading skills
– Uses a diary or a planner to record training commitments, term dates and holidays
– Identifies other learning supports, e.g. a computer in a public library or a bilingual
Writing Conveys a simple idea, opinion, factual information or message in writing
1.06 Displays limited vocabulary, grammatical accuracy and understanding of conventions of written text p72
message, e.g. writes a brief personal message on a greeting card
– Fills in personal details section and signs name on a form, e.g. to join a social
– Uses a calendar to record information related to community or public dates, e.g.
– Uses some common abbreviations, e.g. Mr/Mrs/Ms, AM/PM or symbols such as a
tick, a cross or an arrow
– Records key information relevant to a group, e.g. names and phone numbers of
Workplace and employment – Writes one or two sentences or notes to summarise a group activity or work
process, e.g. notes key words to record personal action resulting from a team
– Receives, opens and replies to a simple workplace email message using short,
– Writes routine, everyday workplace specific vocabulary and abbreviations, e.g.
– Fills in details on a simple form, e.g. an application for leave, a payroll authority
– Uses some common symbols to fill in a form, e.g. a tick or a cross
– Completes workplace checklists, e.g. a vehicle pre start inspection
– Writes contact numbers for personal reference, e.g. an immediate supervisor or
– Writes one or two sentences to support an application, e.g. for a further English
– Uses a diary to record information from notices and information sheets, e.g.
– Completes and signs a simple enrolment form, e.g. name, address and phone
– Completes a report by writing short, simple text appropriate to purpose
numeracy = Uses simple mathematical and personal problem solving strategies in highly familiar
contexts. P129
Personal and community – Estimates lengths of familiar objects using metric units, e.g. a person’s height,
– Decides whether change should be expected when purchasing items, e.g.
– Discusses specific information located in a simple chart or diagram, e.g.
simple bar graph in a newspaper, or discusses the results of a recent newspaper
– Identifies and discusses changes in pricing, e.g. increased costs of car parking at
– Identifies and discusses with a group the differences in pricing of similar objects,
Workplace and employment – Gives oral directions, using common language of space, distance and direction,
for getting from one familiar place to another, e.g. directions for a new worker
– Identifies and compares familiar items, their quantities, sizes and costs, e.g.
– Recognises and knows safe handling weights of familiar objects, e.g. gives the
go ahead for a fellow worker to shift a package, box or pallet with appropriate
– Names and compares common two dimensional shapes in familiar situations,
– Uses a calendar or planner to record information, e.g. meeting times and dates
– Discusses specific information located in a simple graph or chart related to work,
studied, e.g. personal height and weight in a fitness course, or the mass and
– Uses a calendar to record information related to education or training dates, e.g.
– Reads times in familiar texts, e.g. class times
– Gives oral directions, using common language of space, distance and direction,
for getting from one familiar place to another, e.g. directions to a classmate to
course being studied, e.g. in a chart published in a recent newspaper or a TV
Processes include identifying, simple interpreting, simple