Etiology: Genetic and ethnic predisposition for their development. Masticatory stresses from bruxing and clenching. Environmental factors related injuries, such burns and blunt forces trauma affecting bone.
Method of Transmission: N/A
Characteristics: Torus palatinus is found in the midline of the hard palate may be large, lobulated, or very subtle. Flat, spindle, nodular, and lobular. Growths appear radiopaque becuase of the dense bone. Mandibular tori develop along the lingual aspect of the mandible and are bilateral, but sometimes can be unilateral.
Dental Implications: Bony growths may interfere with speech, eating, and toothbrushing.
Tx & Prognosis: Growths may become traumatized due to normal oral function. Growths may be removed for comfort and for the placement of dental appliances,but recurrence is a possibility