Bacterial Sialadenitis:
-Etiology: Pathogens associated include Staphylococcus aureus, Stretococcus viridans, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae, among others.
-Method of Transmission: Not transmitted from person to person
-Characteristics: Fever, malaise, and headache often present. Painful swelling of affected gland. Trismus is common, as is painful chewing. Purulent exudate may be present at the duct orifice.
-Dental Implications: Xerostomia is a major risk factor and patient should be educated on how to alleviate it.
-Treatment/Prognosis: May be difficult to treat. Exudate coming from the gland should be cultured to determine the specific bacteria to prescribe an antibiotic. Analgesics used to decrease pain, and moist compresses, rehydration, and stimulation of salivary flow. Prognosis is good.