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Foundation of Kinesiology (week 1-7), Classification of muscle…
Foundation of Kinesiology (week 1-7)
Week 4 - Roles of Skeletal Muscles in Muscle Contractions
Learning Objective
Identifying different muscles that work together to complement each other when carrying out a particular movement
Defining the terms, Agonist, Antagonist, Synergist and Fixator (Neutralizer)
Agonist (Prime Mover)
muscle is responsible for majority of the movement
muscles work together as a group in an area to produce a movement
muscles work against the agonist muscles in a coordinated manner to produce a movement
Fixator (Neutralizer)
muscles acts as neutralizers or stablisers for agonist muscles to limit movement range and prevent over stretching of muscles
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Week 1- Skeletal system
Basic movements in the three
planes of movement and axes of rotation
Five functions of the
skeletal system
Articulations (joints) of the
axial and appendicular skeletons
Anatomical position
Standing Upright
Facing Forward
Arms to the Side
Palms Forward
Legs Parallel
Toes Pointing Forward
Directional terms
Proximal - Distal
Superficial - Deep
Medial - Lateral
Superior - Inferior
Anterior - Posterior
Planes of Movement
- bisects body to left and right
- horizontal cut that divides the body into upper and lower body
- segment body to anterior and posterior section
Function of skeletal system
Blood production
Different type of joints & examples
Eg. Acetabulofemoral joint
Ball and socket
Eg. Glenohumeral joint
Eg. Humeroulnar Joint
Eg. Metacarpal bone of thumb and trapezium
Eg. Manubrium and Clavicle
Eg. Radius and carpal bone of wrist
Week 3 - Lower Extremity
Articulation (joints) of lower extremity
Acetabulofemoral Joint (Hip)
Eg. Ilipsoas
Eg. Glutues Maximus
Eg. Sartorius
Eg. Adductor Brevis
External Rotation (Laterally)
Eg. Piriformis
Internal Rotation (Medially)
Eg. Tensor Fasciae Latae
Talocrural Joint (Ankle)
Inversion (Foot turns inwards/Medially)
Eversion (Foot turns outwards/Laterally)
Eg. Tibialis Anterior
Eg. Gastrocnemius
Tibiofemoral Joint (Knee)
Eg. Hamstring Group
Eg. Quadriceps
Anatomical structure & major muscles of the vertebral column & thoracic cage
Functions of Vertebral Column (Spine)
Structural support for the body
Base Support for body
Transmit weight of trunk to lower limbs
Allows movement
Surrounds and Protects spinal cord
Provide shock absorption for body
Functions of Thoracic cage (Thoracic vertebrae, Sternum, Ribs & costal cartilage)
Protect vital organs of thoracic cavity
Supports shoulder girdle & upper limbs
Attachment sites for muscles
True ribs (1-7), False Ribs (8-12), Floating ribs (11-12)
Eg. Rectus Abdominis
Lateral Flexion
Eg. Internal oblique & External Oblique
Week 5 - Skeletal muscle system
Learning objective
Explain how skeletal muscle produces force.
Describe the mechanics of muscular contraction and its relation to movement.
Differentiate the three mechanical factors influencing muscle contraction
Time, displacement & force production
A contraction can be described in an isolated muscle fiber/motor unit or in intact, whole muscle (Plowman & Smith, 2014
Three basic types of contractions in an isolated muscle fiber
Isokinetic - Constant velocity: lengthening or shortening
Isometric - Constant muscle length
Isotonic - Constant force production: lengthening or shortening
Three basic types of contractions in intact muscle in humans
Isokinematic - Rate of limb displacement or joint rotation is constant
Static - Limb displacement or joint rotation does not occur.
Dynamic concentric & eccentric- Muscle force varies, muscle shortens/lengthens to accommodate change in muscle length or joint angles.
Mechanical factors influencing muscle contractions
Force-Velocity Relationship
The force produced by a concentric muscle action decreases as the velocity increases.
The force produced by a eccentric muscle action increase as the velocity increases.
Stretch-Shortening Cycle
More work can be done with less energy expenditure following a prestretch.
Length-Tension-Angle Relationship
Require the optimal overlap of the thick and thin filaments in sarcomere to generate the maximum power( resting length, not excessively stretched or greatly shortened)
Week 2- Upper Body & Upper Extremity
Articulation (joints) of upper extremity
Glenohumeral Joint (Shoulder)
Abduction e.g Deltoid
Flexion e.g Pectoralis Major
Adduction e.g Latisimus Dorsi
Extension e.g Latissimus Dorsi
Horizontal Adduction e.g Trapezius
Horizontal Abduction e.g Posterior Deltolds
Medial Rotation e.g Subscapularis
Lateral Rotation e.g Infraspinatus (prime mover)
Humeroulnar Joint (Elbow)
Extension e.g Triceps Brachii
Flexion e.g Biceps Brachii
Radiocarpal (Wrist)
Extension e.g the wrist extensors like the extensor carpi radialis longus
Radial Deviation (Abduction) e.g
Flexion e.g e.g the wrist flexors ( Flexor carpi radialis and Flexor carpi ulnaris)
Ulnar Deviation (Adduction) e.g Extensor carpi ulnaris
Types of muscles & functions of muscular system
Body movement, to maintain posture, to maintain temperature & storage and moving substances through the body
Cardiac (involuntary)
found in heart
Smooth (involuntary)
found in the walls of the internal organs
Skeletal (voluntary)
form fleshy body parts
Types of connective tissues
Tendons (Connects muscle to bone)
Ligaments (Connects bone to bone)
Cartilage (Lubrication & Shock Absorption)
Muscle Attachment
origin (less mobile attachment)
insertion (more mobile attachment)
Week 6 - Bioenergetics and
Metabolic Demand for Energy
Its a metabolic process where cells convert foodstuffs into a biologically usable form of energy
Energy System
ATP-PC (3-15s)
Energy source for activities that require a lot of energy per second.
Eg. High Jump
Glycolysis(15s- 1/2 min depend on athlete)
A series of enzymatic reactions that metabolize glucose
Eg. Fartlek Training
Oxidative(2 min and above)
The body breaks down substrates with the aid of oxygen to generate ATP
Eg. Marathon Run
Fuel for exercise
Fat (Fatty acids & Triglycerides)
Eg. Starch
Classification of muscle contractions