*Chapter 10 - Management From The Islamic Perspective
Principle of Islamic Management
Uphold and internalize the Islamic ethical values
Employees must be paid fairly and equally
Time to be well invested, not to be wasted
The Islamic Approach to Management
is an emerging discipline, often referred to as Islamic management, looks at the management of organizations from the perspective of the knowledge from the revealed sources and other Islamic sources of knowledge and results in applications compatible with the Islamic beliefs and practices.
Nature of Organizational objectives
Islamic management
Conventional management
are both economic and non-economic and are subservient to larger purpose of human existence
are both economic and non-economic in nature and are subservient to organizational interest
Organizational responsibility and accountability
Leadership / Motivation
the process of moving people in a planned direction by motivating them
Characters of Islamic Leader
adheres to the Syariah
delegates trust
global perceives goals not individual
allegiance to faithful
leaders follow these principles
Locus of Control
human being has choice, free will and freedom of action therefore is responsible and accountable for all actions
Responsibility and accountability vested in the chief executive who dele-gates it. Employees controlled through organizational systems to ensure responsibility and accountability.
Organizational Control
internal - each person is responsible and accountable for his actions
external and lies in the real of the organization
to operate in a way designed to make human being subservient to the will of Allah
to operate in a way designed to align human objectives with the organizational objectives