Developing second language
writing skills through student-created digital videos
Flipped classroom:
students are exposed to the new content outside of the class through short videos, and use the class time to further develop this knowledge through problem-solving, discussion, practice, and interaction with peers and teacher.
give a chance to learn at students' own pace
students were more passive consumers than active producers
Peer teaching
scaffolding: the help given by a teacher or more able peer in an educational setting
reciprocal teaching through video tutorials
student starts as a novice with guidance and modeeling, takes a role of expert in a supported context (Palincsar&Brown, 1984).
deeper understanding of course content
increase critical thinking
willingness to explore and self-reflection
Main benefit:
the “teacher” student learns the content better themselves
profit not only cognitive level, but also interpersonal and affective level
Flipped classroom
Meaning: students have some
control over ‘time, place, path and/or pace’ (Staker & Horn, 2012) and and are involved in active
learning (Hamdan, Mcknight, Mcknight, & Arfstrom, 2013)
teacher and students' role: how best to support student learning
the input is given out of the class through digital video tutorials
one-on-one tutorial mode
Student-created digital videos
learners move from
novice to expert by researching, comprehending, evaluating, and creating
closely correspond to Bloom’s taxonomy:the highest level of cognitive
processing – create
Negative side: teacher who lectures and gives the input (Nielsen, 2012), and the students who “sit-and-get”
A two-part questionnaire
Context:federal university in the United Arab Emirates
three composition classess
a group of 18 Emirati female learners aged 19-21
ten digital videos on different topics
writing a research question, organizing an argumentative essay,
outlining, and writing a research proposal
inlusion of specific language skills and writing skills
skills include: paraphrasing, summarizing, writing a thesis statement, using in-text citations
(APA) and writing a reference list (APA)
1st part: to get feedback on the flipped approach and the use of the videos
2nd part: to elicit perceptions of the usefulness of creating their digital video
whether creation and preparation enhanced their own knowledge and understanding of the
develop their own writing and language skills
learn how to make researching and evalution the information
Learn how to focus on accuracy and language forms