Pre-Assessment for Differentiation


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Do the students show knowledge of the material?

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Activating Prior Knowledge

Pre-Teaching (Seeds from around the world)

Concept Map

Visme Concept Map



re-teach and provide assistance

proceed to pre-assessment

Pre-Assessment (KWL Chart)

Yes/No Cards

Students make a card with Yes on one side, No on the opposite side. Teachers ask an introductory question or go over vocabulary. Students who know the answer hold up the Yes card, if they don’t know the answer they hold the No card.

Differentiated Learning Activities

Expert Group: Students who wrote the most on their KWL charts in the "what I already Know" section. The informative written is related to the material and not just random information. These students also asked informative questions about what they wish to learn.

Developing Group: Students who wrote a few things in the "what I already know" section. They wrote information that was somewhat related to the material. These students asked questions that somewhat asked informative questions about what they wish to learn.

Emerging Group: Students who wrote one-word answers or nothing at all in the "what I already know" section. These students didn't ask any questions or write anything in the "what I want to learn" section. These students have no prior knowledge and are struggling with the material being taught.


Informed Instruction

Differentiated Assessments

The students can go back to their KWL charts and fill in what they learned.