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Jaundice: clinical sign describing yellow pigmentation of the skin, sclera…
Jaundice: clinical sign describing yellow pigmentation of the skin, sclera, and mucous membranes due to raised plasma bilirubin.
Systemic- anorexia, weight loss, fevers, rigors, rash, fatigue, nausea and vomiting
Lifestyle- alcohol intake, travel hx, tattoos,body piercing, blood transfusion, sexual partners, IVDA
History- Onset, duration, previous hx jaundice, colour of stools and urine.Pain, site, severity, radiation, itch
PMHx- hepatitis, gallstones, thyroid disease, non alcohol fatty liver, biliary surgery
Occupation - exposure to viral hepatitis, HIV or hepatoxic chemicals
Chronic Liver disease- palmar erythema, finger nail clubbing, dupuytrens contracture
Liver failure- ataxia, altered mental state, bruising, petechiae or purpura
Lymphadenopathy, masses such as hepatomegaly
Abdominal tenderness RUQ- murphys sign. Widespread tenderness may indicate pancreatitis or peritonitis
If person well
Clotting screen — abnormal clotting can occur in both biliary obstruction and parenchymal liver disease.
Hepatitis A, B, and C if risk factors are present.
Urine dipstick — if positive for bilirubin this indicates increased levels of conjugated bilirubin in the serum
If acutely unwell- fever, encephalopathy, dehydration, signs of cholangitis, bilirubin over 100micromol/l. Abnormal clotting, renal function, frail or comorbidities. Suspected paracetamol overdose.
Red Flags
Jaundice &weight loss- Refer people aged 40 and over using a suspected cancer pathway (for an appointment within 2 weeks) to exclude pancreatic cancer.
Immediate assessment if signs of hepatic encephalopathy, severe hepatic dysfunction, bruising, purpura or petechiae. Haematemesis or melaena. Marked Abdominal pain. Signs of sepsis.Suspected paracetamol overdose.
LFT results
Cholestatic picture
ALP raised more than ALT
intra-hepatic cholestasis, cholangitis, or extra-hepatic obstruction.
Intra-hepatic causes include viral hepatitis, alcohol misuse, autoimmune disorders, Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor’s syndrome, drugs, and malignancy of the biliary system.
Post-hepatic causes include gallstones, surgical strictures, extra-hepatic malignancy, pancreatitis, and parasitic infections.
Pre-hepatic causes include haemolytic anaemias, drugs, malaria, Gilbert’s syndrome, and Crigler-Najjar syndrome.