G3_[CS-4] Stakeholders and Governance

Public Firms








general public





board members



transferability of investor interest

legal personality

limited liability for investors

separation of ownership and control

hierarchical of authority

State Charter


Board of Directors




have the responsibility for management

vote for the board of directors

has responsibility for the employees

in charge of the legal personality of corporation including all stakeholders

the rules of the game of the state

Ex : Delaware

have the most well-defined property rights of all the States to US

have less ambiguity about rules of the game when companies incorporate

ethical business procedures

positive impacts and produces wealth

negative impacts and destroy value in the economy

accounting scandals

global financial crisis

Ex : Enron, WorldCom, Tyco

Ex : real estate bubble burst

Stakeholder analysis

Who ?

What interests and claims ?

What opportunities and threats they present ?

What economic, legal, ethical,and philanthropic responsibilities we have ?

people who can be affected or affect the corporation

managers have to strike a balance between employees and shareholders' opinion

try to balance in a positive sense of a politician of polity to keep the organization together

make sure that might affect the most important stakeholder

What to do to effectively address their concerns ?

Corporate Social Responsibility

Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility.



Corporate citizenship


Do what is right, just and fair


define minimum acceptable standard


Gain and sustain competitive advantage

agency cost



McDonald & franchisee


incentive cost

provide the agent with more incentives

monitoring costs

the principal can monitor the agent's behavior more

enforcement cost

penalties for non-compliance


adverse selection problem

moral hazard problem

Value-creation framework

Expand customer base and bring in non-consumers

Expand internal firm value chains by including more non-traditional partners

Focus on creating new regional clusters

corporate governance

is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm is directed and controlled.

need to balancing the interests of a company's stakeholders

does corporate social responsibility build competitive advantage in different country

more interested in CSR

less interested in CSR

United Arab Emirates, Japan, and India

China, Brazil, and especially Germany

represents the relationship between the stakeholders

G3 Group members

國企三 翁暐婷 Kristin

國企三 吳翊瑄 Amanda

國企三 蔣明慈 Esther

國企三 張瑋庭 Wei Ting

國企三 李家慧 Stephanie

國企三 吳承樺 Eric

Mechanisms of corporate governance

agency problems


does the corporation operate in the interest of the stockholder


the separation of ownership and control


compensation heavily weighted toward stock options

Associate company performance with managers’ profits, making managers more attentive to company operations, but may cause managers to care too much about the company’s stock price and artificially increase stock prices

monitoring by institutional investors

Investors who own a large amount of the company’s stock will be very concerned about the company’s operations and produce a monitoring effect


if have no free cashflow to play with so that going to make company focus on being efficient and not being wasteful

monitoring by boards of directors

The board of directors is responsible for evaluating the CEO and the top management team, which will increase the efficiency of the team

separate chairperson and ceo

recruitment of executives from outside the firm

Managers’ performance will affect their performance in the market for managers

internal control of multidivisional

Divide the company into a multi-department mode of operation, so that there is a sense of competition between departments and improve work efficiency


if company don't keep the stock price at a certain level,there's the threat that they may be taken over

centerpiece of corporate governance-inside and outside directors

general strategic oversight and guidance

Select and evaluate the CEO

providing guidance on executives and their compensation

Supervision and audit strategic initiatives

conducting a risk assessment

Confirm the company's financial statements

Confirm whether the company's specifications are legal