The Alchemist - Basic Outline/Framework

Attack 1 / Dinner Party

Attack 2 / Public Water Supply
(maybe Central Fountain or something)

Kiilan Var
Splugorth Alchemist - working up to being a High Lord

  • Will target the Town Militia in particular
  • Also seeks to suppress the myth of Hyperion - wants to raise the legend and focus on the High :Lords of Splynncryth

Grogoz the Gargoyle
(Lieutenant - In charge of microbe distribution)
Location: Poor/Slums [1]
Microbe Storage facility

  • send him in to cause split/dissonance in the population
  • causes conflict and rifts between people - he's addicted to conflict and wants to cause conflict wherever he is, which becomes a problem for his allies/friends who he does this to as well
  • can split families apart who are "too comfortable"
  • has used this on Allies as well

Eegrut the Ogre Elite Maxi-Man

  • Emphasis on Monster/Animal tattoos, and animating tattoos
    (Lieutenant - In charge of Building Things)
  • Location: Industrial Area / Operators Area
  • The Tinkerer - he builds stuff
  • He has a workshop that he works out of and keeps his "masterpieces/gadgets/tools"
  • He can build bases or TW gadgets for other Lieutenants / Seargents
  • May have even visited the Mage Guild to learn some new skills, or read through their library of items?

Seirmiel the Traveller
(Lieutenant - In charge of slave capture)
** Use Dragon stats from Savage Foes and mix in Royal Frilled stats

  • Siermiel has promised to grant physically-enhancing parasites/microbes to those who are loyal to him and this new religion
  • Full disguise - metamorphosis - conceal arcana
  • Taken over the Poor/Slums [2] church(s)
  • Now dominates this area - he controls most of the people via the "place of enlightenment"
  • Uses the Militaristic poor people to guard what he needs guarding
  • Convinces them they are guarding something which will help them "in the next life"
  • Actually guarding slaves ready for transport to Atlantis
  • Use mind-control to control Poor people to capture other people on the D-L - he MAY possibly try capturing the PCs(?)

Sion the Elven Elite Maxi-Man (female)
(General - In charge of keeping tabs on spies and generally spying on people)

  • spies on townsfolk and slaves
  • has deep-cover operatives around the place - maybe even people swapped-out for her spies
  • hacks into some computers and bugs phones
  • Eyes of Eylor around the place
  • Location: spy hideout with CCTV feeds

Each Minion will have their own story which intersects with other Minions and non-Minions

  • Sub-group Leaders/Lieutenants
    (these could have disguises, etc to "blend in")
  • Supernatural Minions (imported from Atlantis)
  • Regular Townsfolk Minions
  • Regular Townsfolk (not manipulated and not controlled)

Disguised / Invisible Gargoyle/s

Minion Bad Guy 1 - 4
eg. Townsfolk / Mutants / Psychics
(Bursters, etc)

Tattooed Man (x2)?

Minion Bad Guy 1,2
eg. Altaran Warrior Women

Minion Bad Guy 3,4
eg. Townsfolk / Bursters / other psychics / etc

Disguised Gargoyle Seargent

Seargent Bad Guy 4
eg. Disguised Supernatural Evil creature

Militaristic Poor people

  • Some of these may have parasites or microbes already in them, giving them abilities
  • Will some be willing guardians/helpers of this Temple while others are mind-controlled guys...?

Minion Bad Guys (4 or so)
eg. Townsfolk and Supernatural Minions

Augustus Laux

2 or 3 Minions (spiked the wine; from Poor/Slums [1] area; working at Augustus Brewery)

Mayor & Wife

Blah Catering
(provided food at the Dinner Party)

Magic Guild Dinner Guests

Rich People
(Dinner Guests)

Maximillian Barlow
(Captured Tattooed bad guy)

Different types of Characters:

  • Townsfolk against the Splugorth
  • Townsfolk (evil) willing to stab other Townsfolk in the back and do work for Splugorth
  • Townsfolk against Splugorth but being bullied/threatened/manipulated into helping them
  • Splugorth Minions who want to defect away and help the PCs to go against them
  • Splugorth Minions who are spies against the Alchemist in the name of another (rival) Splugorth Master

Townsfolk who are innocent/ignorant/minding their own business

Townsfolk who are more interested in revenge or money than in helping other people

Final Showdown

Just outside the Water Filtration Plant

  • Water Pump being set-up to pump microbes into the water supply
  • Good security will be there to guard the area
  • Area will be hidden/disguised to avoid detection
  • This could be in a tunnel (or do the NPCs dig underground to access the major pipe/s?)

Find guards/NPCs coming here this night at this time

  • PCs need to be following these guys already

PCs are following dodgy guys already

PCs need a path to follow to "dodgy guys"

  • This can be obvious/direct paths or round-trip paths/clues to follow

Having innocent people who
have no idea about the bad guys' plan but are directly involved is good/interesting

Next step: Make some general dots / join the paths from the Lieutenants, their Seargents and Minions down to Kiilan Var
(who do they know, who can they have pointers to? What extra clues can they give?)
Step AFTER that:
Make NPCs who represent the city well and flesh them out like the bad guy NPCs are fleshed out.
And think of how the people in the town are linked up and work together.
Then work out who THEY know and what possible connections/pointers can come from this.

Location / Person / Thing Clue 2

Encounter few bad guys along the way
(they have all sorts of clues - to the Final Showdown and other aspects of the Plan)

Part 2: Water Fountain / Water Area

  • Need a proper test on the Town's water supply
  • Also test the mind-control things put in place

Part 3: Might need another test to test how well the mind-control things send their messages

Part 4: Alchemist wants to release microbes into the Hyperion Town's Water Supply

Mayor's Dinner
Part 1
(First Experiment - how microbes work in the "real world")

Augustus Laux

  • Max Barlow is his guest

Supplied alcohol for the night

Augustus Laux

Owns and runs Augustus Brewery in town

Poor people who work for him

Seeking faith (have churches, etc in their district)

Seirmiel has kidnapped his daughter - holding her for ransom - Augustus is going along for now, keeping his daughter alive

The Dragon could have taken over one of their churches?

2nd Poor/Slums Area

Warrior monks seeking to live the more "simple life"

They train in military-style but also have a faith of their own

Addicted to his alcohol

Maximillian Barlow (Tattooed guy)

Finnegan Barick (Mayor) + Wife

  • Learning magic from mage guild

Rich People

  • Owe Finnegan favours

Does Augustus' wife know about this??

Sleeps around a lot (or at least used to) - his wife knows about this

Bedwyr (Bartender)

  • Damiron Operators (brother Lucas)

Drugs in wine/alcohol

Waiters and Waitresses

  • Wings Catering Services
  • Some wait staff were found knocked out at back of mansion
  • Some poor people taken on by the Catering Company

Magic Guild Guests (x2)

  • they teach the Mayor magic

50 people there that night

Location / Person / Thing Clue 1

Location / Person / Thing Clue 3

There's gonna be a second microbe attack planned

The second microbe attack will be at the Central Hyperion Fountain

Maximillian is his right-hand man

  • Mostly Hand to Hand weapon tattoos for fighting
  • Canisters full of microbes at their house - maybe in basement?
  • Names of Seimiel's Minions on his Phone List (he is learning martial arts from them)
  • Also names of other Minions and other friends
  • Reminder of lesson with "RW" or some initials from the list
  • Has anti-NGR propaganda in his basement
    (Helmet with cross through it)
  • Also find some used Mind-control canisters kicked under a bench or something

Microbe storage and transport

Part 2: Giving away drinking water/flavoured water at Central Outdoors Markets OR Police Station (Drinking Water at Cop Station?)

  • There will be psychic controllers installed here which can be used to control people
  • Water is served from a Market Stall - given away with each food purchase

Eegrut has built and installed the psychic controllers which trigger the microbed people/tell them what to do

Town Militia

  • Kiilan has some of his own Minions in the Militia, ready to strike or attack at any moment
  • He will seek to bring down the old Hyperion regime and tear down the Old gods to make way for new ones
  • Has a communicator - TW powered w/ codeword to activate - even if it works, the Users on the other end expect a security word to be spoken or they know something is up

Kiilan's Base:

  • Next to the river, on the outskirts of the town