Once the user clicks onto the "random meal deal" button, the application will create an array storing all SQLite3 records in the menu database. This array will be created as a global variable to allow other view controllers to have access to it, minimising the need to recreate the array after every SQLite3 query. This SQLite3 query will use an optional "OpaquePointer" function to translate SQLite3 queries to Xcode functions. Afterwards, the user is redirected to another view controller, which displays a random meal, dessert and drink, by using a function to randomly select each type of item, through creating a seperate "class" array to store all menu name data and randomly selecting array positions that represents each menu item. (Data from the "menu.csv" dataset is directly put into the "menu.db" database, in order to be used by the "tuck-it" app. This goes for all other instances using the menu database.)