historical novel, novel of manners, victorian compromise


flashback, 3 person narrator

particular setting, historical details, searching national identity

Walter Scott found this genre

Ivanhoe (1820), Waverley (1814)

traveller meet a new ethnic group, this aspect change his live

interests about

Glorius revolution

Scottish history, personal problems

Anglon Saxon vs Norman wars

2 different languages

novels about normal people, adventure experiences

novel of manners, 3 person narrator

set in middle class society

aristocrazy lost power

based on the premise


complication of love

elaborate socialworld


dialoge is the central role

passion and emotions aren't expressed directly but subtly/obliquely

Victorian Compromise

certain values

were moralisers

sense of duty with good keeping and behaviour

respectability of both morality/ hypocrisy severity and conformity to social standards, regular to attendance charitable

need to work hard

philantropy= phenomenon with different interests

with charity they could save dissolute

burgeois ideas

sense of family

husband dominant

women also obey to hum

subservience of women

concept of "fallen woman"

single women with a child suffered= the worst of the society

denounce sex and nudity

civic pride and national fervour

patriottism= influenced by racial superiority

powerful differences



idea of "jingoism", economic progress, good view for Victorians

set in Middle Age es: thackeray

about social problems

humanitarianism novel ( Dickens)

2 part: poets are critical: analysis of setting,characters, ecc.... Eliot, Carrol, Kipling and Stevenson

1 part: aren't critical to system: Dickens, Tackeray


of formation: Bronte/Dickens

psychological= Kipling and Stevenson= Victorian society

social problems: Graskell and Dickens= humanitarianism novel

realistic novel= Hardly, Eliot

of manners: Tackeray, social problems

nonsensical novel= Carrol and Lear

women novel= Austen and Eliot