Тест по юниту FOOD
Часть 1. Ответ на вопрос
употребить 3 WP + 3 TV
1,5 минуты
Часть 2 = Часть 1
Часть 3. Назвать продукты по картинкам
TV из учебника
almonds, apricot, asparagus, batter, beet, biscuit, buckwheat, cashew, cottage cheese, cottage cheese, currant, dough, eggplant, garlic, gooseberry, hazel nut, honey suckle, lamb, lobster, mussel, noodle, pasta, pea, peach, peanuts, pearl-barley, pineapple, pistachio nuts, plum, raisin, raspberry, roll, saltcellar, scallop, shrimp, squash, squid, strawberry, veal, walnut
в задании 2 слайда = 10 слов
Часть 4. Назвать действия по картинкам
2 слайда = 10 слов
список у вас есть
to mix, to combine, to stir, to blend, to whisk / to beat / to whip /// to slice, to dice, to grate, to chop, to mince, to carve, to cube, to julienne, to shred, to crush, to grind / to mince /// to roast, to grill, to toast, to broil, to fry, to bake, to barbecue /// to knead, to spread, to pour, to drain, to peel, to mash, to sprinkle, to scramble, to sift, to steam, to melt, to dip, to squeeze, to taste, to roll out, to serve, to layer, to pinch, to weigh, to flip, to sauté, to flip, to stew
Часть 5. Объяснить разницу между словами
в задании 3 пары слов
список (23 пары)
big vs. great /// chef vs. cook (video 4) /// course vs. meal /// dough vs. batter /// fatty vs. fattening /// food vs. diet /// refreshments vs. foodstuffs /// soft drink vs. beverage /// supper vs. dinner (video 3) /// tasty vs. tasteful /// to barbecue vs. to grill /// to broil vs. to roast (video 4) /// to carve vs. to slice /// to dice vs. to cube /// to dice vs. to slice /// to have taste in vs. to have taste for /// to julienne vs. to dice /// to roast vs. to grill (video 4) /// to sample vs. to try /// to sauté vs. to fry (video 4) /// to shred vs. to grate /// to taste vs. to sample /// treat vs. treatment
Часть 6. Работа с вокабуляром
3 задания
задание 1 на перефразирование: дано предложение, отмечена часть на перефраз
WP + TV (учебник) + extraTV
brunch, carrot top, chicken (metaphor), eat ready meals and take-aways, eating habits, fussy eater, home-cooked food, It makes my mouth water, main meal, piece of cake, processed food, slap-up meal, souped up, to be totally full up, to bolt smth. down, to cut down on, to die of hunger, to do/go without, to eat a balanced diet, to eat a quick snack, to eat like a horse, to eat out, to egg someone on, to follow a recipe, to foot the bill, to grab a bite, to have a craving for, to have a sweet tooth, to savour, to spoil smb.’s appetite, to starve hungry, to tuck into, to wine and dine smb., to work up quite an appetite
задание 2, разнообразное: 1) сочетаемость [eater, 6] и [food, 4]; 2) разница в BrEn и AmEn [3], 3) переводы [«блюдо», 5], 4) разница в исп. предлогов [to treat with / to treat to / to treat for]
задание 3 на гипонимы: дают гипероним, вы даете гипонимы
to cut (4) /// meat (5) /// meals (5) /// home appliances (8) //// ways of cooking eggs (6) /// tasty or looks tasty (3)
Часть 7. Правильно прочитать слова
10 слов из 68
almond, appetite, apricot, artichoke, asparagus, aubergine, batter, biscuit, bon appétit, carbohydrate, cashew, Celsius, chef, chocolate, cholesterol, cocoa, courgette, croissant (video), cucumber, cuisine, delicacy, dessert, dough, doughnut, escargot, Fahrenheit, feast, flour, fowl, hamburger, ketchup, lamb, lettuce, mayonnaise, microwave, millet, muesli, onion, ounce, oven, pastry, pear, pint, pistachio, pizza, pomegranate, protein, recipe, salmon, sandwich, sauce, scallop, sour, soya / soy, spatula, spinach, squash, tangerine, to knead, to pour, to sauté, to stir, vegan, vegetable, yeast, yogurt, yolk, zucchini
приглашается только 1 студент за раз
показывается презентация
подготовки не будет
читать надо так, как мы практиковали
могут быть глаг. и сущ.
часто это gif
если вы не знаете, как выглядят продукты, попрактикуйтесь заранее!
отвечаем быстро
Необходимо знать значения этих единиц:
breakfast / brunch / eating habits / to do/go without / to eat out