Belief Tree Process - Without money, I am powerless
I feel this way because
I need money to survive
I feel I need money to survive because...
money is how I pay bills
I feel money is how bills get paid because...
This is a giant rabbit hole.
Having money makes me feel powerful
I feel having money makes me powerful because
It gives me the freedom to do what I want to do
It's the best way to help others as well as myself.
I feel I can help others and me because...
We all need help
No. What I need is to be aligned. To stay in touch with my IB.
There is no assertion, just attraction. I cannot fix the world's "problems" with all the money in the world.
I don't need help. To experience my best life, I need to feel good.
I feel money gives me the freedom to do what I want because...
you're trapped without it
I feel I'm trapped without money because...
I feel like I am not free
that is just not true. I am free to choose whatever thoughts I want. I am free to decide what makes me feel good. I am free to choose who I spend time with. I am free to choose what images and words I allow into my world. I am free to decide what I eat, how I move, I am free to identify that stuck feeling. I am free to do something about it or not. I am free to have fun. I am free to interact with my tribe in the Collective to receive support, encouragement and reinforcement of the truth. I am free to decide how I spend my time. I am so free. So free. And that makes me incredibly powerful.
Having money isnt' the only thing that feels powerful to me.