Language needs analysis from a perspective
of international professional mobility:The case of
French mountain guides. Se´verine Wozniak
2.Theoretical backgraund
At the French National Skiing and Mountaineering School
from August 2008 to June 2009
Mountain guide associations from more than 20 countries in Europe,
Asia, the Americas and Oceania, representing a total of almost 6000 guides
To assess the language needs of French mountain guides
3.Data gathering. Triangular process
4. Result
3.Observation from the final exam on English(non-participant)
1. Unstructured interviews
English in the professional sphere
Usage of Language skills
Language biography:53 respondents
Adequate proficiency level
37 questions
language biography
personal detailes
English in occupational context
language skills
39 had experience of travelling
11 had EGP in universities
37 had EGP classes in school
1 native English speaker
39 had no ESP exxxperience
92.4 % used Enlish on the profession
EOP context requires a triangulated research process (Long, 2005).
The main focus
English for specific purposes, English for occupational purposes, and English as an international language
The perspective of target
situations in a professional context.
(Speaking-listening) professional conversations 39.6%
Writing 8%
(reading) professional documents 35.8 %
Good english 66%
Fluent english 13 %
Basic English 69.8%
mountaireening based English 83%
Final foriegn lamguage Exam
Independent users 97.9 %
3 sixty-min interviews were conducted, in August 2008, October 2008 and February 2009
It is important to speak English in winter season
foreign languages have to be learned in situations
guides have to take an oral exam on English
Improving communication skill with client
to make clients to come back
French mountain guides’ association SNGM,in October2009contributed to
reinforcing appropriate preemployment course design