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snowball S3 Module - Coggle Diagram
snowball S3 Module
10.type of snowball
crate job in AWS console
job valid for 90 days, after 90 days expire
transfer petabyte pt
1 size is 80 TB or 50 TB
EX: if want transfer 150Tb, need 2 Snowball
- To import /export data -S3
fast, shipping take 2 days for snowball. can use expedited shipping
Used case
f you don’t want to make expensive upgrades to your network infrastructure,
if you frequently experience large backlogs of data, i
f you're located in a physically isolated environment, or if you're in an area where high-bandwidth Internet connections are not available or cost-prohibitive.
rain and dust resistance, temper resistance case
snowball edge
Can select service capalibity such as S3, Ec2, Lamda power by IoT Greengrass
snowball edge
You can use AWS OpsHub or the AWS CLI to manage the Snowball Edge. Once you install OpsHub, you can unlock, configure network interfaces, and launch EC2 instances with just a few clicks. AWS OpsHub is available at no charge
Demo Snowball edge, dMA, SCT &snowball client