Acute Pseudomembranous Candidiasis (Candidosis, Moniliasis, Thrush)
-Candidiasis is caused by species of Candida, usually albicans, which is yeast-like fungus. Usually presents an overgrowth of Candida that is already present in the mouth.
-Common factors that predispose an individual to infection with C. albicans: systemic broad spectrum antibiotic therapy, systemic, topical, or aerosolized corticosteroid use, smoking, xerostomia, immune system disorders, and diabetes.
Method of Transmission
-It is not highly transmissible, Candidiasis is considered an opportunistic infection.
-Most clinically characteristic form of yeast infection.
-The infectious organisms either produce necrosis of the surface epithelium, which turns white and rubs off or they produce erythema resulting from the body's reaction to the organism.
-Can occur in any epithelial surface of the body but is especially common in areas that are consistently warm and moist.
Dental Implications
-Needs to be diagnosed and treated. The tendency for this infection to occur in immunocompromised people should prompt the dental professional to carefully review the medical history.
Treatment and Prognosis
-Antifungal medications are used for treatment.