Improve English Language Speaking skills among students through CMC

English Language

Speaking Skills

Why - many could write but can't speak

What is the problem?

Due to Covid-19 many schools are closed. How can the students learn to speak English through CMC?

Computer mediated communication (CMC)

provision of out-of-class speaking practice to young
learners of English could contribute to improving speaking proficiency

investigate whether use of textual Synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC) can help students improve oral skills compared to students who engage in face-to-face oral and written practice

investigating the use of 2 synchronous computer-mediated communication tools: text and voice chat - effect of synchronous CMC on speaking proficiency and anxiety

Perceived benefits and drawbacks of synchronous voice based CMC

investigated the possibility that initial-level learners may acquire oral
skills through synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC)


To have students can speak English after learning from CMC

What is students' perception of using CMC to improve speaking skills?

Previous Studies

Communication between two or more individuals that occurs via computer networks. Computer-mediated communication may be text, audio, graphics, or video based and occur synchronously (in “real time”) or asynchronously (delayed)

synchronously (in “real time”)

asynchronously (delayed)

Experimental design - 3 groups (text, voice & control) 90 students- 4 weeks in 40-45 min - guided by 8 tasks - pre & post anxiety scales - pre post speaking tests - closed & open ended questionnaires

12 students - 2 hr per week -

MSN messenger & Audacity

a) 3 Oral tests (baseline test, mid-term, post test) b) text chat records c) interview transcripts d) students learning journal e) teacher's observation journal

participants’ performance judged based on the same rating scale-
seven criteria - three levels

quasi-experimental study - 2 classes (19 & 21 children) grade 3 - 4 months - pre & post tests

experiment group - complete homework orally

control group - complete homework in written form

  1. Does the completion of audio-visual speaking activities have a positive impact on children's speaking assessment scores?
  2. What development can be observed in children's WTC over the duration of the intervention?

framework comprised 11 questions and was
broken into three sections (warm-up short-answer questions, description of a picture, and questions about the learner).

Control group - speaking/listening peer + face-to-face in class interaction // written - traditional grammar worksheet practice

speaking/listening peer + face-to-face in class interaction // Written synchronous language practice interaction with online more able partners via networked computers

Can students really improve their speaking skills through CMC?

How video-based strategies help students yo improve their speaking skills?

What is teachers' perception of using CMC to improve speaking skills?

Experiment study - pre & post test of speaking English

Experimental group - Learning to speak English through CMC

Control group - learn to speak English in traditional way which is in written form



Could students learn to speak in English through CMC?

What are the advantage and disadvantage of CMC?

Literature review

Research Objectives

To investigate whether students improve their speaking proficiency through learning from CMC

To identify the perceptions of students and teachers on learning English speaking skills through CMC in Malaysia.

To review the literature on the advantages and disadvantages of learning English speaking skills through CMC.

Experimental study

