What leads to employee wellbeing? Research indicates employee wellbeing to be an outcome of the intersection of an employees work and family/life in general. The crossover between work and family/life domains should not be ignored. Where does work and family/life begin and end? Work-life includes any instrumental activity intended to provide goods and services to support life. The family life involves persons related to or related by biological ties, marriage, social custom or adoption. Life, in general, refers to all the activities and relationships that belong to work, family and any other domain in one's existence. This results in three main outcomes: Conflict, Enrichment and Balance. Conflict: the role pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatible in some respect and to some extent. Enrichment: the extent to which experiences in one role for example work, improve the quality of life in the other role for example family. Commonly people feel fulfilment from their professional working life and this enriches their family life. Balance: here we see individuals with a perception that work and non-work activities are compatible and promote growth in accordance to an individual's current life priorities, under this balanced circumstance people are under the view that neither their work or family domain subtracts from the other. Indeed the symbiosis between these domains is complementary therefore achieving such balance is ultimately everybody's aim.