Warner Brothers
was known for producing low-budget, gritty films, Paramount for its sophisticated comedies, MGM for its glossy productions, RKO for its special effects, Fox for its biographies and musicals, Universal for its horror films, Republic for its westerns, Disney for its animation. Fast forward to the present day, and while RKO, Republic, and even the once-great MGM have alternately folded, declared bankruptcy, and had their libraries sold and acquired Warner Brothers, Fox, Paramount, Universal, and Disney remain major players, as does Columbia—though under another name, as it was acquired by Sony in 1989
The concept of branding has also come a long way from the 1930s. Nowadays, it is hard to see much of a difference in what type of movie one studio makes as compared with another. The branding for the modern era, then, is more about studios being able to generate properties with
franchise potential