• Basic position: your feet should be shoulder width apart with. Weight should be slightly forward on your toes, knees bent slighly, hips relaxed.If you are right handed, place your right foot slightly ahead of the left. A good bascketball shooting stars with the correct balnce and your power for the shot comes from the legs not arms.Ball placement: hold the ball close to your chest and just below your chin. The shot: when you begin the shot, your weight should roll forwards, to the toes of your forward foot. If you lean backwards, on your heels, the ball will noy reach the bascket. As the ball leaves your hand,snap you wrist to release the ball with a back spin, necessary for a soft shot. Follow throught: visualize putting your hand into the bascket as you throught. This will help you get complete elbow extension and wirst flexion during yhe follow throught