Generalized Gingival Hyperplasia etiologies: increase response to chronic inflammation by dental biofilm or calculus. Drugs, anti-convulsant, calcium channel blocker‘s, cyclosporine, hormone changes puberty and pregnancy leukemia, inherited traits. Transmit: not applicable characteristics: gingival overgrowth, can be mild or severe so that it covers most of the surfaces of the teeth. Hormonal changes usually more inflammatory and presents with Edema and erythema. Drug, more fibrotic presents as a firm enlargement of gingival tissues. Dental implications: obtain thorough medical history and identify risk factors. Dental bio film is associated so OHI is crucial. Treatment and prognosis discontinue offending drug, increasing oral hygiene, surgical removal of excess tissue called gingivectomy. prognosis depends on the cause of hyperplasia hormone induced may resolve hormones come back to normal drug induced may resolve after discontinue drug.