Chapter 7:- Understanding Customer
1) Factors affect Consumer Behavior&Consumer Market
- The size of the consumer market
- Changes in consumer shopping habits
- Emphasis on consumer-oriented marketing
- The design of effective marketing strategy
2) Types of Consumer Choices
- Product
- Brand
- Shopping area
- Store type
- Store
- Non store source
3) Definition of Consumer Atitudes
- Respond favorably or unfavorably to a product or brand
- Attitudes are based on beliefs consumer hold about the attributes or features(price, level of service, quality) of the products they are evaluating.
- Attitude are primary causes of behavior causing consumers to buy or not to buy.
4) Influences of Social Enviroment
A) Culture
- Subculture
- Social class
B) Demographic characteristics
- Nationlity
- Age
- Race
C) Organisation, family, media, and references groups
- 3 types of interpersonal process:-
- Informational influence
D) Individual Consumer
- Utilitarian influence
- Value-expressive
5) Source of Individual Differences
- Word-of-mouth communications
- Personality
- Lifestyles and psychographics
- Motivation