Acute Pseudomembranous Candidiasis
Etiology: is caused by species of candida albicans, which is a yeast like fungus. Most patients harbor these species as a part of their normal flora. Candy ISS usually represents an overgrowth of Candida. Organism has extremely low virulence and tends not to produce an infection and healthy patients. When a change in the oral environments as occurred due to antibiotics, corticosteroid use, smoking, xerostomia, immune system disorders, and diabetes can all cause this infection.
Transmission: It is considered an opportunistic infection and is not highly transmissible.
Characteristics: it can occur on any epithelial surface of the body but it’s especially common areas that are consistently warm moist and dark. A cute pseudomembranous candidsis manifest as multiple, raise, whitish, cord light plaques with veriable surrounding erythema. Patients complain of pain, discomfort, or burning. The pseudomembrane can be scraped off.
Dental Implications: This infection needs to be diagnosed and treated. Careful review of the patient’s medical history can alert the physician that an infection may occur in immunocompromise patients.
Treatment: once the diagnosis is established, and variety of affective antifungal medications are used for treatment. Mini carnations treat the infection with topical medications such as nystatin oral suspension or clotrimazole Troches. Fluconazole is another medication that is used to treat systemic candidisis.
Prognosis: Infection will heal with antifungal medications.
Citation: DeLong, Burkhart, (2019). General and Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist. pgs 339-341.