Other health impairments or OHI-Low Incidence 12% of all students. Includes: Tourette's syndrome, Epilepsy, Leukemia, heart conditions, Nephritis, Rheumatic fever, ADD/ADHD, .(Alison Trexel)
Teacher starts folder with work samples and general observations about a student's progress in order to determine the need for intervention. Parents may do the same. These notes are inclusive of social and emotional skills, physical health, any unusual life events and relationships with other students/teachers.
Teacher has enough concrete data to make a referral to the learning support team. At this point, parents are also brought in for a face-to-face conference. Parents are encouraged to reach out to a professional, outside of the school, for private testing.
Student is tested. Parents and all teachers, including specialist teachers, are asked to fill out questionnaires as a part of the evaluation process.
Parents are brought back in to discuss IEP, student rights and accommodations. Depending on the age of the student and the challenge, students may also be involved in this meeting. This enables them to take more ownership over their education. Accomodations are also discussed with the family.