7: Managing for Inclusion: Equality and Workplace Diversity

Workplace diversity and the need to manage it

Social Identity Theory

Social Dilemmas of Workplace Diversity

Solutions for Social Dilemmas

The Glass Ceiling

What is diversity

Is it necessary to manage diversity?

Within the workplace - differences between individuals

Yes it is, especially as Australia is an ageing labour force, women and minorities are still underrepresented in the workforce - particularly in management and corporate roles.

Social Identity Theory and Diversity

individuals validate their social identities by preferring 'in-groups' over 'out-groups' - shared social identity makes this in-group.

Social Identity Theory and Diversity

Social Dilemmas of Workplace Diversity

Individual, managerial and organisational participation

Individual: employees embrace/resist diversity initiatives - formation of subgroups
Managerial: managers likely to recruit individuals they perceive to be in a similar social group, vice versa, mentor-ship means homogenous organisation is formed
Organisation: focus on short-term costs and not long-term benefits, for the good of society and not the organisation?, dependent upon individual and managerial

Overcoming Social Dilemmas of Workplace Diversity

Creating accountability helps to overcome social dilemmas, public policy problem: legislation created but may lead to belief that individual only attained job due to legislation, would be better fixing it in schools.

What is the glass ceiling?

limits advancement of women and other minorities to senior management positions

Overcoming the glass ceiling

Eradicating gender bias, eliminating stigmatisation, paid parental leave, gender quotas, more representative blend of people in senior roles