Japanese-Canadian Internment

Direct Consequences

Japan decision to join the axis powers

Due to the attacks, fear and hatred grew against the Japanese


Japanese Battle of Hong Kong

Proclamation of War between Japan and Canada

White racism against Asians

Bombing of Pearl Harbour

Over 1500 Deaths

Important notes

Over 70% were citizens

Homes and businesses were sold to pay for them

Anti Japanese citizens complaining about safety

It disrupted family life

Basic rights were violated.

Indirect consequeces

It broke up families,

Its created a trauma that hunts and will haunt affected families for years

Property were illegally taken from them

Its given the Japanese a negative mind towards Canadians

It caused a lot of them to leave

Population depleted from over 23,000(prewar) to 6776

It took 7 years for all the restrictions to be lifted

Political figures and people working in the government were influenced