3.Practical Life



Ability to concentrate

Strict and orderly

Close to nature

Freedom in the framework


Beauty and simplicity

  1. Botany

Classifications, Plant Parts and Functions, Life Cycles, Habitats

4.Earth Science.

2.Human Biology

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Body Parts, Internal Organs, Systems; Functions of All

Earth Layers, Weather, Ecosystems/Biomes

1.Respect, do not impose children

5.Physical Science

Respect children's freedom to choose how to learn.

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Water Cycle, Physical States, Basic Chemistry, Science Tools

Children are free to choose their favorite activity according to the pace of development of each child, giving priority to the development of concentration and individuality.

The scope of the Montessori curriculum includes a sound introduction to botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, geology and astronomy.

  1. Zoology


  1. Learning always comes with practice

Children imitate activities that they observe themselves.

Children experience practical skills: self-dressing, undressing, etc.

Children are engaged in practical activities.

Children are taught good habits in life such as waiting for their turn.

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If your child is doing something wrong, illustrate how to do the right thing for him or her.

Encourage, encourage and acknowledge the efforts of children instead of awarding and praising.

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Science is a major component of the Montessori curriculum. It gives children opportunities to learn about fascinating areas of study very early in their schooling.

  1. Nature inspires children
  • This method allows children to learn, follow their interests, behave and interact with their surroundings in a natural way without resorting to anyone's help.
  • Children experience to be able to take care of themselves and serve themselves

Nature helps children to be aware of reality.

There are lots of interesting learning activities and adventures for children to take place outdoors in the fresh air instead of in the classroom or indoors.

Children need concentration to find their own ways of playing, as well as solve problems encountered during play.

  1. Does not affect the concentration of children

When children are exploring experiments or games, teachers should not interrupt and intervene. This helps children to be interested and train their concentration

  1. Teachers and parents are only supporters who accompany their children





Practical Life activities help children learn how to care for themselves and their environment, help the child to become more independent, leading to greater self-confidence, and the ability to face new challenges.

Practical Life exercises include lessons in grace and courtesy, care for self, and care for the environment.

Sensorial materials were designed by Doctor Maria Montessori to help children express and classify their sensory experiences.

There are sensorial materials that focus on visual perception, tactile impressions, auditory sense, and olfactory and taste perceptions.

Initial explorations with sensorial materials encourage children to understand basic maths concepts such as learning number recognition, counting and sequencing of numbers.

Sensorial work prepares the child for a more formal introduction to mathematics

  1. Environment friendly,
    no rewards or punishments exist

Through language-based activities, such as the sandpaper letters and the moveable alphabet, children learn phonetic...

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After playing and discovering, children must keep their own tools neatly. Through so many times, children will have a organized and tidy habit

They progress using concrete materials
to compose their own written work,
read the work of others

Classifications, Body Parts and Functions, Life Cycles, Habitats

  • For children watering plants, watching flowers and leaves, learning about nature and the world around us ... etc
  • For toys you should choose natural materials like wood, limiting plastic products and battery products, because they make children

Children have the skills to express themselves with crayons, tearing paste

The areas of geography, science, zoology and botany are all included in this area, help to give the child an insight into different cultures.

The culture area encourages children to develop their capacity for creation, and develop fine motor skills. Whilst learning to freely express themselves.

Children are encouraged to develop their imagination and the freedom to express their personality, to choose exploration activities that teachers plan to organize.

6.Mechanics and Technology

Machinery, Tools, Computers

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It provides children with a clear thinking approach to gathering information and problem solving

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Schools and families must attach importance to exploring the potentials available to children. Teachers or parents only play a guiding role, encouraging children to be proactive in their surroundings and self-study according to their own abilities and interests.

Children will be the center of learning activities.