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Respiratory basic science, Physiology, Embryology, anatomy - Coggle Diagram
lung volume
residual volume; RV(残気量)
air in lung after maximal expiration, cannot be measured by spirometory
tidal volume; TV(一回換気量)
air that moves into lung with each quiet inspiration, typically 500mL
CL, H, CO₂, 2,3-BPG and temperature favor deoxygenated form
deoxygenated form has low affinity for O₂, promoting release of O₂
myoglobin is composed of a single polypeptide chain associated with one heme moiety, higher affinity
pulmonary circulation
perfusion limited: O₂, CO₂, N₂O; diffusion can be ↑only if blood flow ↑
a low-resistance, high compliance system
diffusion limited: O₂(emphysema, fibrosis, exercise), CO; gas does not equilibrate by the time blood reaches the end of the capillary
RR=12-20/min, Vt=500mL/breath, Vd=150mL/breath
cyanide poisoning
findings: almond breath odor, pink skin, cyanosis
inhibit aerobic metabolism via complex 4 inhibition→hypoxia unresponsive to supplemental O₂ and ↑aerobic metabolism
oxygen content of blood
1gHb=1.34ml O₂, normal Hb=15g/dL
alveolar gas equation
PIo₂: Po₂ in inspired air, R: respiratory quotient(呼吸商)
A-a gradient=PAo₂-Pao₂, normal=10-15mm Hg; ↑by shunting, V/Q mismatch(換気血流不均等), fibrosis
oxygen deprivation
hypoxemia: normal A-a gradient= high altitude, hypoventilation; ↑A-a gradient= V/Q mismatch, diffusion limitation, right-to-left shunt
ischemia: impeded arterial flow, ↓venous drainage
hypoxia: ↓cardiac output, hypoxemia, anemia, CO poisoning
lung and chest wall
high=lung easier to fill, low=harder to fill
hemoglobin modifications
does not bind O₂ as readily as Fe²⁺, but has affinity for cyanide
lung development
alveolar (week36-8years)
at birth, ↓ pulmonary vascular resistance
at birth, 20-70 million aveoli; by 8 years, 300-400million alveoli
alveolar cell type
type 2
secret surfactant from lamellar bodies→↓alveolar surface tension, prevent alveolar collapse, ↓lung recoil, ↑compliance
surfactant synthesis begin around week 20 of gestation, mature levels are not achieved until around week35
club cell: nonciliated, low columnar, cuboidal with secretory granules, located in bronchioles; degrade toxins; secrete component of surfactant; act as reserve cell
lung anatomy
right lung has 3 lobes, left has 2 lobes and lingula(舌区)
right lung is a more common site for inhaled foreign bodies (right main stem is wider, more vertical, and shorter)
if you aspirate a peanut,,,
horizontal fissure, oblique fissure
respiratory tree
conducting zone
pseudostratified ciliated columnar cell extend to beginning of terminal bronchioles, then transition to cuboidal cell
nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles that further devide into terminal bronchioles
respiratory zone
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli
cuboidal cell (respiratory bronchioles), simple squamous cell (alveoli)
diaphragm structures
perforating diaphragm
at T10: esophagus, vagus nerve
at T12: aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein(奇静脈)
at T8: IVC, right phrenic nerve
innervated by phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5)