Cycle of the year Nissan, Iyar Sivan Tamuz Av Elul Tishrei Chesvan Kislev Tevet Shevat Adar



Eat Matzah and all things unleavened

search for chametz

1 seder in Israel 2 seders in the rest of the world

Sefirat Ha'Omer

Start counting the Omer on the second night of Pesach

Leads up to Shvuot


Yom Hazikaron

Yom Ha'atzmut

Lag Ba'Omer

Yom Yerushalaim

The remembrance day for Israeli soldiers

The Yartzheit of a great Rabbi who revealed many secrets of the mysticism of Judaism

Commemerates Israeli independence

Commemerates the unification of Israel after the 6 day war



2 days outside of Israel 1 day inside

Decorate the soul with flowers

eat milky foods

stay up the entire night learning Torah


Shiva Asar B'Tamuz

The 17th day of Tammuz marks the start of The Three weeks and is a fast day

These days were when the worst catastrophes happened for the jewish people


Tisha BAv

Translating as the ninth of Av is a fast day and marks the end of the three weeks.

We are not allowed to

purchase things

Not allowed to wear fresh clothes

We are not allowed most luxury

The two temples were destroyed on this day


We blow the Shofar every morning of Ellul to remind us to do Teshuva and so that we know the high holy days are coming



The first day of the year

Eat sweet foods

Blow the Shofar

Tom Gedalia

Fast day

Commemerates the death of a leader who showed hope for Israel after the 1st Temple was destroyed

Yom Kippur

Fast day

The shabbat of Shabbats

Extra services

Ne'eila end of Yom Kippur

Kol Nidre start of Yom Kippur


9 days long

Eat in a Sukkah hut

Shake the Lulav and the Etrog

One lulav

one Etrog

Three myrtle leaves

Two willow twigs

Simchat Torah

The Torah is finished being read today


G-d bright the great flood in this month



Light the Menorah

Give Gelt coins

Play dreidel

Lasts 8 days

The miracle of the maccabees beating the greeks and restoring the temple and oil which should;d only of lasted 1 night lasted 8


Asara B'Tevet

Marks another dark time of the Jewish people

A fast day


Tu B'Shvat

The birthday of the trees

Some plant trees


Taanit Esther

The fast of Esther

Haman was about to kill the Jewish people


Haman doesn't kill us and is stopped by Esther

we left Egypt

Wear fancy dress

Eat Hamantaschen

Adar Sheini

In a leap year this is the extra month