
To want

I want = volo

You want = vis

he/she/it wants = vult

we want = volumus

you (pl) want = vultis

they want = volunt

To not want

I don't want = nolo

you don't want = non vis

he/she/it don't want = non vult

we don't want = nolumus

you (pl) don't want = non vultis

they don't want = nolunt

To be able to

I am able to = possum

you are able to = potes

he/she/it are able to = potest

we are ale to = possumus

you (pl) are able to = potestis

they are able to = possunt

Comparatives and Superlatives

Comparative are words that mean 'more' and are expressed with 'ior' in the word before case endings

Superlatives are words which have the meaning 'very'. these are expressed with 'illi', 'isse' or 'erri' in the word before the case endings

words that mean 'this'

they begin with 'h' and end with a 'c'

haec, hic, hunc,

1st Declension

Nom.S = puella

Acc.S = puellam

Nom.P = puellae

Acc.P = puellas

2nd Declension

Nom.S = servus

Acc.S = servum

Nom.P = servi

Acc.P = Servos

3rd Declension

Nom.S = mercator

Acc.S = mercatorem

Nom.P = Mercatores

Acc.P = mercatores

Dative Case

Group 1





Group 2





Group 3





Principle Parts

interficio, interficere and interfeci