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Musculoskeletal, Skin and Connective tissue basic science, lower extremity…
Musculoskeletal, Skin and Connective tissue basic science
lower extremity nerves
sciatic(坐骨神経): L4-S3
motor---semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, adductor magnus
femoral(大腿神経): L2-L4
sensory---anterior thigh, medial leg
motor---quadriceps, iliacus(腸骨筋), pectineus(恥骨筋), sartorius(縫工筋)
obturator(閉鎖神経): L2-L4
motor---obturator externus(外閉鎖筋), adductor longus(長内転筋), adductor brevis(短内転筋), gracilis(薄筋), pectineus(恥骨筋), adductor magnus(大内転筋)
common peroneal: L4-S2
foot drop: inverted and plantarflexed(底屈) at rest, loss of eversion(外向) and dorsiflexion
motor---biceps femoris, triceps surae(下腿三頭筋), plantaris(足底筋), popliteus(膝窩筋), flexor muscles of foot
action of hip muscles
extensors: gluteus maximus, semitendinosus, semimembranousus
flexors: iliopsoas(腸腰筋), rectus femoris, tensor fascia latae, pectineus, sartorius
internal rotation: gluteus medius/minimus, tensor fascia latae
external rotation: iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, piriformis(梨状筋), obturator(閉鎖筋)
common disorder
limb compartment syndrome: ↑pressure within a fascial compartment of a limb→venous outflow obstruction and arteriolar collapse→anoxia and necrosis
medial tibial stress syndrome; shin splint: cause of shin(むこうずね) pain and diffuse tenderness in runners and military recruits
De Quervain tenosynovitis(腱鞘炎): noninflammatory thicking of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tnedons
iliobital band syndrome(腸脛靭帯症候群): overuse injury fo lateral knee, primarily in runner
ganglion cyst: fluid-filled sqelling overlyying joint or tendon sheath, common at dorsal side of wrist, arise from herniation of dense connective tissue
motoneuron action
- tropomyocine block myosin-binding sites on actin filament, Ca bind to troponin C then expose myosin binding sites
- ATP hydrolysis cause myosin head returning
- muscle shortening occur, shortening of H,Ibands and Z line, ADP is released at end
- open presynaptic Ca channel, inducing ACh release
- depolarization travel via T-tubule
- conformation changes in dihydropyridine receptor and ryanodine receptor→Ca²⁺ release sarcoplasmic reticulum into cytoplasm
- myosin head bind to actin, Pi is then released
- ACh binding lead to muscle cell depolarization at motor end plate
- binding of new ATP cause detachment
wrist region
carpal tunnel syndrome
thenar eminence (母指球) atrophies but sensation spared (palmar cutaneous branch enters hand external to carpal tunnel)
Tinel sign, Phalen maneuver
nerve compression→paresthesia(感覚異常), pain, numbness(しびれ)
associated with pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, acromegaly, dialysis-related amyloidosis
flexor digitorum superficialis(浅指屈筋) tendon, and flexor digitorum profundus tendon, and median nerve in carpal tunnel
Guyon canal(尺管); ulnar nerve and ulnar artery, and flexor carpi radialis(頭側主根屈筋) tendon in flexor retinaculum (屈筋支帯)
scaphoid (palpable in anatomic snuff box) is the most commonly fractured, complication of proximal scaphoid fractures include avascular necrosis and nonunion
scaphoid(舟状骨), lunate(月状骨), triquetrum(三角骨), pisifprm(豆状骨), hamate(有鈎骨), capitate(有頭骨), trapezoid(小菱形骨), trapezium(大菱形骨)
hand muscles
thenar(median nerve)
opponens pollicis(母子対立筋), abductor pollicis brevis (短母指外転筋), flexor pollicis brevis(短母指屈筋)
hypothenar(ulnar nerve)
opponens digiti minimi(小指対立筋), abducter digiti minimi(小指外転筋), flexor digiti minimi brevis(短小指屈筋)
lumbrical(虫様筋); median(1st,2nd), ulnar(3rd,4th); flex at MCP, extend PIP and DIP
arm abduction(外転)
,>100°: serratus anterior(前鋸筋); long thoracic nerve(長胸神経)
,>90°: trapezius(僧帽筋); accessory nerve(副神経)
epithelial skin junction
desmosome: intermediate filament interactions, cytokeratin, desmoplakin, autoantibodies to desmoglein→pemphigus vulgaris(尋常性天疱瘡)
adherens junction: actin filament, E-cadherin
hemidesmosome: at basement, connect keratin to basement membrane, autoantibody→bullous pemphigoid(類天疱瘡)
tight junction: prevent paracellular movement of solutes, include claudin and occludin
integrin: maintain integrity by binding to collagen, laminin, fibronectin in basement membrane
knee exam
McMurray test
pain, popping on external rotation→medial meniscal(内半月板) tear
pain, popping on internal rotation→lateral meniscal(外半月板) tear
type of muscle fiber
slow, red, endurance training
fast, white, weight training, sprint
bone formation
membranous ossification
calvarium(頭蓋冠), facial bone, clavicle, woven bone form directly, remodeled to lamellar bone