Are the liquids/ solutions safe to drink?

Liquids/ Solutions

Safe to drink

How to define 'safe to drink'?

By whom?

In what quantity?



Aquatic life (when in waterways)

Consuming the undiluted solution

When in a small quantity in a beverage

When adverse effects begin from consumption of something unsafe?

Short term effects/ instantaneous dangers

'Healthy' humans

'At risk' humans (with a pre-existing medical problem)

Whether or not 'safe to drink' is defined by what is in the solutions

Discover what components are in the solutions

Separation techniques (of liquids)

Once the make-up is known. Use pre-existing research to define whether 'safe to drink'

Fractional Distillation

Simple distillation


Considering the potential volatility of solutions with what is encountered when consumed

Eg. Mixing liquids with human stomach acid to see if a dangerous reaction occurs

Long-term effects/ dangers of consumption

Causes unnatural cell growth

Causing problems in bodily systems

Causes potential for damage in some humans

Effects DNA reproduction

Eg. Cancer

Eg. Genetic problems/ mutations

Eg. may re-ignite past problems/ make existing conditions worse

Eg. As a containment

How often?

Unsafe when collective build-up is high?

Consumption everyday for prolonged period

Safe if consumed once?


Once a year?

Difficult to test under time constraints

Difficult to test under time constraints.

Ways of testing the solution?

Attempting to find the solution (rather than all its ingredient

Then, use pre-existing research to determine whether it's safe

Examine properties and see if they are similar to researched solutions

Examine solution under microscope

Combustion ability


Boiling point/ freezing point

Testing by senses

Mixing/ attempting to create a reaction with other mixtures

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Eg. respiratory/ digestive problems