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Cardiovascular basic science, Physiology, Embryology, Anatomy - Coggle…
cardiac output
↑pulse pressure: hyperthyroidism, aortic regurgitation, aortic stiffening, obstructive sleep spnea, anemia, exercise
pulse pressure=systolic-diastolic, (proportional to SV, inversely proportional to arterial compliance)
↓pulse pressure: aortic stenosis, cardiogenic shock, cardiac tamponade, advanced heart failure
stroke volume: ↑contractility, ↑preload, ↓afterload→↑SV
contractility: catecholamine stimulation via β₁ receptor (Ca²⁺ channel, phospholamban phosphorylation), ↑intracellular Ca²⁺, ↓extracellular Na⁺, digitalis →↑contractility
myocardial oxygen demand: ↑contractility, ↑afterload, ↑heart rate, ↑diameter of ventricle→↑↑↑
resistance, pressure, flow
PR interval: time from start of atrial depolarization to start of ventricular depolarization (normally <200msec)
QT interval: ventricular depolarization, contraction, repolarization
U wave: prominent in hypokalemia, bradycardia
AV node: located in posteroinferior part of interartrial septum, blood suply from RCA, 100 msec delay
SA node→atria→AV node→bundle of His→right and left bundle branches→Purkinje fiber→ventricles (left branch have anterior and posterior fascicle)
pre-excitation disorder
Torsades de pointes
caused by drugs, ↓K⁺, ↓Mg²⁺, congenital abnormalities
ECG tracing
AV block
second degree
mobitz type 2
often treat with pacemaker, may progress to 3rd
atrial flutter(心房粗動)
treat like atrial fibrillation, catheter ablation
identical, back to back atrial depolarization wave, "sawtooth"
atrial fibrillation(AF)
risk factor: hypertension, coronary artery disease
treatment: anticoagulation, rate control, rhythm control, cardioversion
starling curve
↑contractility with catecholamines, positive inotropes(eg. digoxin)
↓contractility with loss of myocardium, β-blocker, non-dihydropyridine Ca²⁺ channel blocker, dilated cardiomyopathy
wide splitting
delay RV emptying (eg. pulmonic stenosis, RBBB)
caused delayed pulmonic sound, exaggeration of normal splitting
fixed splitting
ASD→left-to-right shunt→↑RA and RV volume→↑flow through pulmonic valve such that, regardless of breath, pulmonic closure is greatly delayed
normal splitting
inspiration→↓intrathoracic pressure→↑venous return→↑RV filling→↑RV stroke volume→↑RV stroke time→delayed closure of pulmonary valve
paradoxical splitting
delay aortic valve closure (eg. aortic stenosis, LBBB)
on inspiration, P2 closes later and moves closer to A2
hear murmur
due to aortic dilation, bicuspid aortic valve, endocarditis, rheumatic fever
chronic MS lead to LA dilatation→dysphagis, hoarseness
opening snap, delayed rumbling
MR: loudest at apex and radiates toward axilla, MR is due to ischemic heart disease, MVP(僧帽弁逸脱症), LV dilatation
TR: loudest at tricupsid area, caused by RV dilatation
holosystolic, high pitched blowing murmur
aortic stenosis
lead to syncope(失神), angina, dyspnea
holosystolic, harsh-sounding murmur
normal cardiac pressure
heart: adenosine, NO, CO₂, ↓O₂
skeletal muscle: CO₂,H⁺,adenosine, lactate, K⁺
RA<5,RV=25/2, PA=25/10, LA<12, LV=130/10, Ao=130/90
capillary fluid exchange
determination factor: capillary pressure(Pc), interstitial fluid pressure(Pi), plasma colloid osmotic pressure(πc), interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure(πi)
caused by: ↑capillary pressure, ↓plasma protein, ↑capillary permeability, ↑interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure
natriuretic peptide
dilate afferent renal arterioles and constrict efferent arterioles, promoting diuresis and aldosterone escape
similar to ANP, with longer half time
heart embryology
endocardial cushion: artial septum, membranous interventricular septum, AV and semilunar valve
Fetal circulation
at birth,,, ↑O2 and ↓prostagrandin→closure of ductus arteriosus
at birth,,, breath→↓resistance of pulmonary vasculature→↑left artrial pressure→foramen ovale closed
PO₂=30mmHg, 80% saturated
outflow tract
neural crest and endocardial cell migration→truncal and bulbar ridges that spiral and fuse to form aorticopulmonary septum→ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
failure of neural crest cell to migrate: transposition of great vessel, tetralogy of fallot, persistent truncus arteriosus
- muscular interventricular septum forms
- aorticopulmonary septum rotate and fuse with muscular ventriculr septum to membranous intraventricular septum
- growth of endocardial cushion separete atria from ventricles and contribute to both atrial septation and membranous portion of the interventricular septum
ventricular septal defect: most common congenital cardiac anomaly, usually in membranous septum
- septum primum (一次中隔) grows toward endocardial cushion, narrowing foramen primum(一次口)
- foramen secundum forms in septum primum
- septum secundum develops as foramen secondum maintain right-to-left shunt
- septum secundum expands and covers most of foramen secundum, the residual foramen is foramen ovale(卵円孔)
- remaining portion of septum primum forms valve of foramen ovale
patent foramen ovale: failure of two septums to fuse, can lead to paradoxical wmboli(奇異性塞栓)
cardiac looping
establish left-right polarity, begins at 4 week of gestation
valve development
stenosis(狭窄), regurgitant(逆流), atretic(閉鎖), displaced(Ebstein anomaly)
Anatomy of heart
LCA; left main coronary artery; LCX; left circumflex coronary artery; LAD: left anterior descending artery; RCA: right coronary artery; PDA: posterior descending artery
most posterior part is LA; enlargement→dysohagia, hoarness
right-dominant circulation (85%)=PDA arises from RCA, left-dominant (8%)=PDA arises from LCX, codominant(7%)
pericardium consists of 3 layers: fibrous pericardium(線維性心膜), parietal layer of serous pericardium(壁側漿膜), visceral layer of serous pericardium(臓側漿膜)