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Seal carving, - Coggle Diagram
Seal carving
Possible Direction
Redesign or Create a business liek Docusign(Tech) Stamp with digital and physic sign, for paper contract and digital contract, could also consider the use of technology like blockchain
(Culture) Could it be a door sign ? with a set of Door service with Lock, Sign, and Door Design
(Young Generation) Use of 朱文印 and 白文印 to offer a Lover set of Stamp, such as Male take 朱文印 side, and Lady take 白文印 side
Case study: How to apply it on Logo design(with english)Link Title
On top of Text, start to use graphic as well
Some designer put印章 into a Ring, to solve the in-connivence problems
顧客先用毛筆書寫篆書大字(不要寫小字),大小及佈局不拘,(稍後老師會裁剪縮放,及據石材大小安排佈局的),然後用手機拍下, 電郵/WhatsApp給楊老師,老師會幫你設計,其間若字體未達水平,老師會幫你稍事修改
Further Research
What happening on Carving
understand how to design a stamp
Possible to bring it back as a trend with tech?
figure out target segment, business? Or individual? Currently it's artist only.
To understand how user think the 篆刻印章, is that no value for them? Will they consider it’s a style added thing? And if we put it on the docusign is that a benefit for customer? So they will choose? (Tend to ask Chinese especially mainlander, with business user)