Ferrite, α-Fe - (BCC and magnetic)(soft)-----------------------------------------
Austenite, γ-Fe - (FCC and non-magnetic)-------------------------------------
Cementite, Fe3C - (secondary phase of Fe-C system)(hard)--------------
Pearlite - lamellar structure of α-Fe & Fe3C ----------------------------------
Coarse pearlite - forms at higher temp, softer --------------------------------
Fine pearlite - soft at lower temp, slightly harder than coarse pearlite -
Martensite - α-Fe with high saturated Fe3C trapped in BCT structure--
Tempered martensite - martensite that is tempered, slightly tougher ---
Bainite - plate-shaped α-Fe, with Fe3C particles-----------------------------
Upper bainite - feathery bainite forms at upper temp range --------------
Lower bainite - dispersed Fe3C in plated α-Fe, forms at lower temp --
Spheroidite - spherical Fe3c in the matrix of α-Fe------------------------------