Questions on bones and skeleton

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Why do we need bones

What if we do not have bones in our body : :

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Why are bones important

How many bones are there in our body

How can we connect houses with our skeleton system

Why do we need a skeleton

Which is the largest bone in our body?Which is smallest bone in our body/

Do ears have any bones?

Do skull protects the brain?

What if bones break?

What are bones/

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What if we do not have rib cage and skull?

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Which food should we eat to make our bones healthy?

How can we make our bones strong?

What does bones help/

What are invertebrates and vertebrates/

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What if the other name for back bone?

What is the function of the skeleton system?

What if bones are stuck in our body?

Skeleton system

Which is the strongest bone in our body? What are bones made up of?

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Why do we need a structure

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What if we have so many bones that our body cannot control?

Are teeth made up of bones?

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What are vertebrates and invertebrates