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Juz 2 : Al-Baqara (The Cow -Contd.) - Coggle Diagram
Juz 2 : Al-Baqara (The Cow -Contd.)
Ayat 2: 152 - Remember Me & I remember you. Appreciate Me and never commit Kufur
As-Solat being called Iman : Affirmed (
) by the Heart, Mentioned (
Wal Kaulu
) by the Tongue and Performed (
Wal Amal
) by the Limbs
Kufur Nikmah : One who doesn't appreciate the Blessings given by Allah SWT
Allah SWT describes As-Solat as Iman in
Ayat 2:143
Surah, when read, Protects:
Believer Against Intense Heat of Sun 1 mile above us by covering of
Believer's Heart (contains Iman, Knowledge, Sabr, Taqwa, Tawakul, Inabah & all attributes of Believers) from Syayatin
Believer against Allah's Punishments on Day of Judgement
Believer's House & Belongings from Syayatin (Jinns)
Quran : Book of Guidance & Reminders
Human (Insan) is forgetful (Ibn Qaseer) about Reminders given to us
We forget our Promises to Allah SWT
We forget our Promises to fellow Humans
We forget Reminders & Knowledge given to us
Al-Quran repeats Reminders in several Chapters
Al-Quran : contains Baiyinat (Details) in various Chapters
Ayat 2 :143 - Ummatun Wassat (Moderate Ummah)
Against Extremism & Excesses (Bida'ah)
(Reducing what Allah SWT has obligated) and
(Adding to what is obligated by Allah SWT)
Islamic Community - Medium (Just) Nation
Characteristics of Ahlu Kitab : adding what is favourable & reducing what is not favourable - eg. giving many versions of the Bibles
al-Kitab Ulau Mahfuz
, was written by Allah SWT 50,000 years before Creation of Universe & revealed in the Heavens,
Baitul Izzah (House of Dignity)
, before it was revealed to Prophet Mohammad SAW by Jibrail AS gradually
over 23 years.
Al-Quran, when read, brightens one's House and Heart. Allah SWT ensures Iman is preserved through As-Solat. Imam Ghazali advised that the Ignorant/Unguided be reminded of the centrality of As-Solat in Iman. As-Solat relates to the Heart, Tongue and Limbs
Rasul Nuh AS first nation to be brought to account during Day of Judgement. Then Mohammad SAW & his Ummah brought in as witness (
) that Nuh AS had conveyed the Message to his people.
No nation unless Allah SWT sent a Messenger & a Warner. Mohammad SAW & his Ummah considered as Moral Example to all Nations
Allah SWT imposes Obligations & Prohibitions out of His Mercy
. More Obligations than Prohibitions. Permissibles
covers 60-70% scope of Wajib & Haram - a flexibilty to choose, Allah SWT's Nikmah given to us unlike other nations
Change in Direction of Kiblah from Baitul Maqdis to Baitillahil Haram - to test the Believer's obedience. Also to revive the practise of Nabi Ibrahim AS (Father of the Believers) facing Al Kaaba (which was constructed by him).
Ayat 2: 174
Allah SWT condemns and prohibits strongly those who hides the Knowledge
Allah SWT entrusted (
) Knowledge to the Prophets who in turn entrusted it to Ulamas
Duty of Ulama to convey the Knowledge without hiding anything (
Khianatul 'Ilm
). On the Day of Judgement Allah SWT shall question those who breaks this Trust (
Khianah Amanah
) ie those who died without conveying the Knowledge to others
Doa Maksub - Short meaningful Doa from the Quran.
Ayat 2: 201
- "Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan waquina 'adhaban-nar (Our Rabb! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter)"
Hadith : Rasul SAW said "Convey from me even if it's just one Ayat, even if it's just one Hadith"