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BASIC MYCOLOGY L10 - Coggle Diagram
Ciri ciri fungi
Dinding sel : chitin , glucan, manan
Fungi yang berfungsi sebagai patogen harus bisa tumbuh di suhu host, mendapat nutrisi dari host, dan bertahan dari sistem imun
Karakteristik jamur
Berbeda dengan tanaman, fungu tidak mengadakan fotosintesis
Portal of entry
Kulit (melalui luka, luka bakar atau babras)
Faktor patogenesis
Produk ekstraseluler yang dihasilkan, misal protease dan elastase
Jenis mycosis
Mycosis subcutaneous : infeksi jamur hingga lapisan subkutan/dermis kulit, kadang bisa hingga ke otat
Mycosis systemic: infeksi jamur yang meluas ke seluruh tubuh dibarengi dengan rendahnya status imun pasien
Remove a small anount of the culture. For fungal cultures, immerse the fungi material in the drop of 70% alcohol
Before the alcohol dries out add one or at most two drops of the stain lactophenol cotton blue to the side
Make the initial examination using a low power objective lens, the thinner parts of the preparation, generally around the edges of the mounted material, will yield the beat images
Place a fragment of tissue, purulent materials or scraping in KOH drop
Tease the materials well enough with corner of a coverslip to guve a thin preparation of break up the materials with a sterile loop