LOGIC AND CODESTo make the timer, I will be using the following codes: variables (variables) wait for one-second block. (control) To allow the user to control the diver, I will use the arrow keys block these (blocks are all in the events element.) To make sure the user doesn't touch the corals I will use this combination of code blocks. "If diver touching corals then switch backdrop to Game Over." (control, sensitivity, and looks). To make sure the user picks up the trash, I will use the "if then" block (control) and the "touching" block (sensitivity) so when the diver touches the trash it will be detected. On the last level, when the player has to patch up the oil spills, the user must go to the ship that leaking and patch it up. To do this I will use the change costume block on the boat, so when the user touches the oil spill, it will change to the costume with no oil coming from it.