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Ideal Learning Environment in a Classroom or Makerspace - Coggle Diagram
Ideal Learning Environment in a Classroom or Makerspace
Sense of place
Natural light Eg. big windows and muted lighting
open areas for movement with minimalism
reflect the urban or natural surroundings and incorporate into design. Eg. murals, art work, materials
student and community designed
computer access
small technology manual / literature library for reference
Everything on wheels and (white? earth tones) linoleum for ease of movement in the classroom
A variety of electronic equipment that supports the learning in the room. Eg. Cricket, robotics, 3D printer, Little Bits Bar, blue screen, green screen, sewing machine, Lego, film gear, etc.
recycled and natural materials - what can we reuse?
how can we create, yet, consider the waste that sometimes occurs such as glue, tape, etc.
baskets, buckets and carts that are mobile Attempt at no Plastic!
Materials from the natural world that can be used and put back
Garden space or greenery in the class
compost and recycling bins
Loose parts
Maker Dispositions
Teachers model collaboration in interactions with one another
Encouragement to look at what others have made for ideas/inspiration
Variety of teachers in the space, guest experts to come in for special projects
Maker Identities
culture, community, process, environment through ease of collaborative and trusting connections
Boards showing growth of individuals interests and 'jobs' of the week or month
promotes independence and self direction; ownership and flexibility
Media Literacy
Small round table for students in role of teacher& learner with online support of software
group efforts to solve how to create & tinker with various software programs "think tank"
Meaningful Integration of Technology
A mix of old / new school whiteboards & wireless access for presentations
Learning Environment
Reflection of the natural world inside
Or go outside!
networking and negotiation with varying cultures (including First People's Principles of Learning)
Through internet / connectivity utilize real world problems to solve smaller problems in the classroom (macro to micro)
artifacts left behind to inspire
What is unique in the community is seen in the room through decoration and activities. Localization
Design Thinking
Opportunities to solve real world problems with real world materials
Time to do many "drafts" so schedule is flexible and long term
Collaborative with peers and adults/faciliators
STEAM challenges
m Space
size appropriate facilities. eg. chairs and hooks
ability to create sections/areas of a class
room to collaborate
invites cross-pollination
flexible seating options including moveable balls and bikes
Storage so less clutter and oversensitivity
Standing desks
Room to move- big rooms
Cubby holes on a wall
Inspiration and Celebration Wall of past artefacts
Human scale
"Bonfire" in the middle of room to share sketches and prototypes
Constructionist Based
Can we afford it?
Can we refurnish?
Upkeep and maintenance costs?
How get district and teacher buy in?
Old and new skills?
Space in school for a makerspace?