southern region in Huila


Acevedo is a Colombian municipality located in the southeast of the department of Huila. It lies on the foothills of the eastern cordillera and its branch called Serranía de la Ceja. It is part of the Subsea region of the department.

Its territorial extension is 700 km², its height is 1348 meters above sea level and its average temperature is 22 ºC.5

It has a population of 35,877

It is a region dedicated to agricultural exploitation, with coffee being the product of greatest production at the departmental level, especially in the special variety that is exported to different areas such as the United States, Russia, Japan, and Europe.

In its territory is located the Cueva de Los Guácharos National Natural Park, the first natural park in Colombia, in which the Suaza River is born and crosses the entire valley until it flows into the Magdalena River, where adventure ecotourism is another important line for the economy of the municipality

MAYOR: Gentil Tapiero Buitrago 1​ (2020-2023)

ELIAS image

Elías is a Colombian municipality located in the southeast of the department of Huila. It lies on the Serranía de la Ceja and the foothills of the central mountain range.

It is part of the Subsea region of the department. Its territorial extension is 82 km², its height is 1425 meters above sea level and its average temperature is 20 ºC.

It has a population of 4,206

Its economy is based on the agricultural production and the cattle sector, but its dedication is to the coffee culture, the product that practically has become the important axis, the cacao is perhaps the second culture that has meaning in the participation of the economy, the production of banana, yucca, maize, beans, and vegetables are not representative, on the other hand, the cattle double purpose is another important line.

MAYOR:Juan Diego Trujillo Artunduaga (2016-2019)


Pitalito is a Colombian municipality located in the southeast of the department of Huila. It lies on the Magdalena Valley and the vertex formed by the central and eastern Cordilleras.

Its territorial extension of 653 km², its height of 1318 meters above sea level and its average temperature of 18-21ºC.6

It has a population of 135,711

It is part of the Subsea region of the department and is considered the "Star of the South Colombian Road" due to its strategic location, which allows communication with the departments of Cauca, Caquetá, and Putumayo. It is also known as "El Valle de Laboyos" since it is part of the Colombian Massif and the Andean Belt declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1972.

It is the second most populated municipality in the department of Huila and is considered the largest producer of coffee in Colombia, the epicenter of production being the town of Brussels. On several occasions, it has been awarded the "Cup of Excellence". Due to its location in the Laboyos Valley, those born in Pitalito are called Laboyanos.

MAYOR:Edgar Muñoz Torres1​ (2020-2023)


San Agustín is a Colombian municipality located in the south of the department of Huila. It lies in the eastern part of the Colombian Massif region, where the highest valley of the Magdalena River is located, sheltered by the first foothills of the central and eastern mountain ranges.

Its territorial extension is 1,574 km², its height is 1,730 meters above sea level and its average temperature is 18ºC.

It has a population of 34,120

It is part of the Subsea region of the department of Huila. Its economy is based on the production of coffee, sugar cane, livestock, and tourist and commercial services. It is known as the "Archaeological Capital of Huila".

MAYOR:Luis Fernando Llanos Pabon (2020-2023)

TIMANA image

Timaná is a Colombian municipality located in the south of the department of Huila. It lies in the mountainous valley of the Magdalena River, which corresponds to the foothills of the Central and Eastern Cordillera. It is part of the Subsea region of the department. Its territorial extension is 182.5 km², its height is 1100 meters above sea level and its average temperature is 24 ºC

It has a population of 20,463

Its economy based on the agricultural sector has as its main product the coffee plantations with 2,850 hectares and a production of 4,275 tons (34,200 loads). This crop is currently positioning the municipality in the international market, and 40% that is produced is cataloged as specialty coffee, generating additional returns for producers. Another important line is the exploitation of cattle and the production of dairy products.

MAYOR:Juan Bautista Rojas Parra1​ (2016-2019)

other municipalities