1885: Indian National Congress established.
1905: Partition of Bengal into Hindu and Muslim districts worried the Muslims of a Hindu majority. Re-united in 1911.
1906: Muslim League founded at British instigation.
1909: Minto-Morley Reforms created electorates based on religion.
1916: Lucknow Pact between Congress and League. ( agreed to separate electorates for Muslims in electing representatives to the Imperial and Provincial Legislative Councils. Also agreed to the idea of one-third seats for the Muslims in the Councils despite the fact that the Muslim population represented less than a third.)
1930: Jawaharlal Nehru president of Congress. Purna Swaraj (complete self-rule, declared by Congress).
1935: Government of India Act - 'increased autonomy', franchise given to less than 10%. Separate electorates based on religion.
1937: Elections in 11 provinces Congress wins 8.
1939: War breaks out, Congress resigns ministries in protest of not being consulted.
1940: League grows more separate, Lahore Resolution - calls for creation of Pakistan.
1942: Quit India movement. Congress leaders arrested. Cripps mission - keep India loyal to the British war effort in exchange for a promise of elections and full self-government (Dominion status), rejected by both groups.
1945: Congress Leaders released.
1946: League wins majority of Muslim seats. Jinnah calls direct action day, violence in Calcutta.
1947: 15th August independence. Partition.