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Digestive/ Urinary System - Coggle Diagram
Digestive/ Urinary System
Functions of Digestive System
-take in food, break it down into nutrient molecules, absorb molecules into the blood stream, and rid body of any indigestible remains
accessory digestive organs
-digestive glands
Digestive processed
1 Ingestion
2 Propulsion
3 Mechanical breakdown
4 Digestion
5 Absorption
6 Defecation
where food is chewed & mixed with enzyme containing saliva that begins process of digestion
Salivary glands
Function: cleanses mouth, dissolves food for taste, moistens food, begins breakdown of starch with enzymes amylase
Functions: gripping, repositioning, mixing food, formation of bolus, mixing saliva and food, initiates swallowing, speech & taste
incisors= chisel shape for cutting
canines= fang like teeth that tear
premolars= broad crown used to grind/ chew
molars= best grinders
Crown= exposed part above gum
Root= portion embedded in jaw bone
the pharynx
food passes from the mouth into the oropharynx, then into larynogopharynx
-allows passage of air, food, & fluid
-flat muscular tube that runs from laryngopharnx to stomach
-collapsed when not involved in food propulsion
-pharynx & esophagus are conduits to pass food from mouth to stomach
function of both= propulsion that starts with swallowing
digestive processes in the stomach
-carries out breakdown of food, serves as holding areas of food, delivers chyme to small intestine
-only stomach function essential to life is secretion of intrinsic factor for vitamin B 12 absorption, important for maturing red blood cells
digestive function is production of bile
chief function is storage of bile by absorbing water & ions
-supplies most of enzymes needed to digest chyme, as well as bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid
-exocrine function= produce pancreatic juice to neutralize stomach acid
-endocrine function= secretion of insulin & glucagon by pancreatis islet cells
small intestine
the major organ of digestion & absorption
Duodenum, Jejonum, villi
Large Intestine
Major function of large intestine is propulsion of feces to anus & defecation
functions of kidney
maintain the body's internal environment by regulating total water volume & total solute concentration in water, regulation ion concentrations n ECF, ensuring long term acid balance, excreting metabolic wastes, toxins, & drugs
urinary bladder
temporary storage reservoir for urine
transport urine from kidney to urinary bladder
transports urine out of body
blood & nerve supply
Kidneys cleanse blood & adjust its composition
-rich blood supply
-Renal arteries deliver about 1/4 of cardiac output to kidneys each min
three major renal processes
Glomerular Filtration
Tubular reabsorption
Tubular Secretion
Urinalysis; urine is examined for signs of disease , can also be used to test for illegal substances
-chemical composition: 95 percent water and 5 percent solutes