Climate change
Future Fuels
Consume less
Alternative Forms of Energy
By consuming less you can cut out greenhouse emissions in an easier way. By "consuming less" I mean having your own grocery bag that you can reuse instead of using the plastic bags they give you. Not only we can cut out the greenhouse emissions but we can also help the animals from the pollution that materials such as plastic produce.
There are many elements, from ethanol derived from crops, electrolyzed hydrogen and water, but all biofuels and this can have a great deal of negative damage.
Another factor that contributes to reducing the climate change is electric vehicles
These are options that offer a solution to personally avoid contributing to global warming.
Is affected by food prices, in addition to the fact that they also absorb more energy than they produce.
Traditional transport produces at least 8 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, this quantity may increase making it the double by 2040. Traditional transport basically only makes faster the process of climate change.
We all know that people are going to change their traditional transport for electrical transport because it is a big change and it is expensive. So another option in order to reduce climate change is to change your transport. What I mean by this is that instead of all buying electric cars because it is not posible, do things like walking or riding your bike.
By walking, riding your bike or using the public transport you can reduce the contamination that could lead to climate change by a 10% just a normal car produces 10% of the emissions of carbon dioxide which is a lot.
A study found, that the current amount of electricity generated in USA could provide enough power for the entire cars at the country to switch the plug-in hybrids, reducing greenhouse or gas emissions during the process.
Hydrogen is created, where natural gas or electricity is reformed to break water molecules.
Plug-in hybrids will continue to depend on electricity, generated by burning dirty coal. The generation of solar thermal energy or nuclear fission will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Still more speculative energy sources are needed such as: hyperefficient photovoltaic cells, orbitals to solar fusion power stations.
Electric cars may cause a big impact of our environment mainly that they would improve air quality in cities by reducing CO2 that it is one of the biggest causes of climate change because cars that function with oil are used everyday at a global range.
If we use this, and at the same time convince and promote it within societies, the climate change issue will be drastically reduced. It could be implemented as a law to use some sort of renewal energy source in businesses and industries of the economy, or if this isn’t possible, then just foster the use of it as much as possible.
One way of looking at and resolving climate change is to start optimizing and increasing the use of alternative forms of energy such as Wind Mills as Eolian Energy, Solar Panels as solar energy, etc...
What happens when climate is changed? The temperature of places that should be cold increase, affecting the wildlife living on them, and leaving them in poor conditions of living. They are forced to move habitats and this isn’t a very good thing to have in our planet.
Carbon dioxide levels oscillate around “the 200 parts per million in our planet, historically reaching a of 280 parts per million”. Despite this, since the industrial revolution, the CO2 levels have immensely increased to “values close to 400 parts per million.”
If we starts using and potentiating the use of AFOE, then this hole in the ozone layer will start closing, as there would be so much less carbon dioxide going up to it, that it isn’t getting hurt and can calmly close. This is happening right now, but because people are quarantined and not contaminating the planet. It would be very helpful that this closing happens more often, and for the right reasons
With the use of fossil fuels as oil, and other examples of them, the ozone layer composed of the infamous greenhouse gases, starts to rip up and form holes in some specific places. This obviously isn’t good, as it allows more sunlight to come in, and change the climate.
Well: it generates richer energy per kilogram than gasoline or electric cars, it produces only water as an exhaust, refueling faster than electric cars
Bad: It is expensive to produce as well as being difficult to store and transport
Although paper is a fuel it is promising, the high costs and storage problems mean that a lot needs to be done to make hydrogen the fuel of the future.
The future fuels provides the intelligence and a depth analysis to assess threats and opportunities in the fuel industry, develop strategies, prepare for strategic market moves, anticipate and plan future opportunities.
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Reducing food waste is also a very viable solution to Climate change because the food we waste almost daily, contributes to 4.4 gigatons of Carbon Dioxide every year that goes into the atmosphere. Some places have very low income so food lost is unintended so bad conditions in regards of the food such as poor packaging, not enough food storage which means there is a loss almost always with food.
But in places that the income is higher, the losses in regards of the food is minimum. So if the world did something to not waste that much food such as not over buying, just buying the essential things, think before cooking and thinking what to do with the left overs, freezing some of the groceries helps for them to last longer, etc.
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If we were able to start reducing food waste we could cause some positive impacts such as:
- It could reduce methane emissions from landfills
- Lower your carbon footprint
- It would lower the hunger in the world (there is an estimation that 800 million people around the world suffer from hunger)
- It would reduce the Carbon dioxide emissions
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Tropical forest
At least 751 million acres of land i the tropics could be restored to intact forests reducing 60.1 gigantones of CO2
In the recent decades tropical forest
have suffered extensive clearing, fragmentation, degradation and depletion of flora and fauna
This forest provide many benefits such as:
Storage of large amounts of carbon will home numerous wild species provides food and fuel for local people
When we lose forest, primarily to agricultural
expansion or human settlement, carbon dioxide discharges into the atmosphere
Scientists found out that there is room for an extra 3.4 million square miles of canopy cover around the world, and that replenishing tree cover at this full potential would contribute significantly to reducing the risk of harmful climate change
By using this solution the opportunities are enormous and the majority of this lies in tropical regions. In a median time of 66 years, tropical forests can recover 90% of the biomass that old growth landscapes contain
The bulk of restoration opportunities lies primarily with in low income countries in tropical regions. Those countries cannot manage the level of investment required nor aloud they since the benefits of restoration provides value and service to all