What is Truth by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Blind men and the elephant

What is truth

Can anyone know the truth?

Human nature and truth

Ignaz Semmelweis

Is it possible to know the truth

Our obligation to seek for truth

The holy ghost- our guide to all truth

They hold onto a different part of the elephant and describe it differently

They are describing their own truth and sticking with it because of their experience

Making a judgement about a piece of the truth and having it contradict the truth

The story applies to all of us

Paul says we look through a glass darkly

We often make blind judgements about people and things just because of a one sided view

Wife selling doilies whenever she was mad at her husband

Jumping to conclusions off of limited information is a big mistake

Christ was put on trial with pilot.

“what is truth” -pilot

The truths we cling to shape our society and our own behaviors

A Hungarian physician in 19th century

Most of the women in his clinic died of child birth

He concluded that it was because doctors were dealing with corpses then deliver babies

His dramatic results were not convincing to many other doctors of the day

Shakespeare was very intrigued by truth, most plots were based on misunderstandings

Scriptures are full of half truths

Korihor didn’t know the truth

Lamanites and nephites truths were all mixed up

Shaped the destiny of this people

old truths that we know to be false

men can fly

tomatos don't kill you

the earth isn't flat

Just because something is convienient doesn’t mean it’s true

Something difficult is easy to consider false

we miss the truth because of experience

We tend to think when we disagree with people, They are trying to be deceitful or dishonest

We too often mix up belief with truth this leads to bad decisions

We have access to a lot of partial information

We need to be able to discern between truth and error




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There are some absolute truths, like north is north

truth exists beyond belief

how can we find truth?

even when no one believes it


public opinion or popularity doesn't matter with the truth

seek it

through science

through study

through inspiration

things we thought we knew are often conflicting

satan decieves us

he teaches that the truth is relative

that it is impossible to know the absolute truth

spreads seeds of doubt


like when we learn info about the church we didn't know

some people create doubt about everything, like conspiracy theories

moon is a halogram


the blind men would never be able to describe all truth

we don't know eveything

we have to trust God who sees all

all questions will be answered eventually

the source of truth is god

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jesus = the truth


lasting meaning in life

we must seek the truth, that's why we're on earth

don't blindly accept




inquire for yourself, don't just follow leaders -Brigham Young

we believe we have the right to accept all truth. Mormonism = truth -joseph smith

There are still many more things to be revealed


from good books, or from anything wholesome

this is how we overcome deception of satan

you will learn to build others up in this process instead of tearing down





is here to witness the truth

certain and safe

available to all, everywhere

available to those who seek it

can gain the gift of constant companionship

you can discover divine truth and overcome darkness

some people don't seek for truth, but seek to dispute

your search will lead you to Jesus


Be sure to seek for the truth of the savior