Old Testament:
The Old Testament is a text which is directly connected to the case of mistranslation. It is an example where the case of mistranslation has directly occurred. I can then explain the impact it has had. Furthermore, I have a strong personal connection since I have the Old Testament at home since I am Christian. To summarise the pros of the Old Testament are: direct connection, an example of mistranslation in an important text, can be used to explain the impact on Jews.
On the other hand, the version of the Old Testament I personally have does not have the mistranslation since it is been corrected already. Moreover, it is a really old object from around 300 AD. Furthermore, the old testament itself does not show the impact of mistranslation, rather the instance of mistranslation itself. To summarise the cons are: doesn't show impact , is not the exact object, and is quite old.
Mosè di Michaelangelo:
The Mosè di Michaelangelo shows a direct instance of how the mistranslation directly impacted the perception of a culture, in this case a prophet. It can be used to further display how this has had a lasting impact on the Jewish community. There is also a connection here since I have physically seen the sculpture when I went to Rome. To summarise the the pros of the sculpture are: personal connection, shows impact of mistranslation, can be used to explain the impact on Jews.
On the other hand, the sculpture also has the variable of artistic liberty, however that is something that can be easily waved off since it does not hold much of a relevance to the argument.